bookdown Questions
When I attempt to re-publish a Quarto Book to an established url on Quarto Pub, I receive an error in the terminal. The error message in the terminal upon which it stops before republishing is:
Update: I think the problem is related to these two bookdown-bug reports: Cannot load mathtools MathJax extension in bookdown and Custom MathJax URL not working. The problem is that the upgreek ext...
I am writing an article for a journal that requires Supplementary Material. I was hoping to use a unique label such as SuppMat: instead of the default fig: to send Figures and Tables into this sect...
Cyaneous asked 27/2, 2019 at 22:37
When using bookdown (single document), figures are numbered automatically as:
Figure 1 Text of figure caption.
In chemistry, the convention is to label main Figures as:
Figure 1. Text of figure ...
Scripture asked 21/8, 2018 at 8:56
I'm using Rmarkdown/Bookdown to write a paper/PDF document, which is an amazing tool @Yihui, thanks! Now I'm trying to include a table I have already put in LaTeX into the document by reading in th...
Rives asked 3/2, 2017 at 15:35
pander does not include table numbering when used with bookdown::html_document2. Did I miss some option?
title: "Pander Table Numbering"
output: bookdown::html_document2
# Chapter 1
I'm using 'bookdown' with RStudio, tinyTex and pandoc to write a report in Chinese. Because I need to use cross reference, I have to set the output format to 'pdf_document2', but I have an issue wi...
Is there a way to increase the line spacing with kableExtra for a pdf output in r-markdown or bookdown?
head(iris, 5), caption = 'Iris Table',
booktabs ...
Codeclination asked 15/12, 2018 at 14:29
I'd like to add a TikZ figure to a bookdown document in order to include some fancy graphics.
My primary output format is LaTeX which means that I could essentially just include the TikZ graphics ...
Sheepcote asked 17/11, 2017 at 20:41
In rmd bookdown files there is the possibility to hide the toc in html output automatically when not used.
But this behavior does not work with quarto qmd -> html output. Is there something simi...
I have a bookdown project in R and like to switch to Quarto.
In the bookdown project I have an R script _common.R (it includes libraries and various settings and helper functions) to run before the...
I have some R markdown that includes the following code:
```{r huff51,'hold', fig.cap='Design decisions connecting research purpose and outcomes [@huff_2009_designingresearchpublication ...
Is there a way to add a MS Word "Comment" via a R markdown file? I'm using a reference_docx, and familiar with adding custom styles...but haven't figured out how to get a comment to show up on the ...
Serrano asked 11/9, 2019 at 15:29
Suppose i have a main R-Markdown file called index.Rmd and another R-Markdown file called child.Rmd. If i want to include the R-Markdown file child.Rmd based on the condition params$value1 > par...
Doughy asked 14/3, 2019 at 14:15
I try to reference to a single footnote in a few places in the text. However, with the code below, I've got two footnotes with the same content.
title: "My document"
output: html_document
Severalty asked 8/9, 2017 at 13:22
I originally set up git in Rstudio while enrolled in the Data Scientist's Toolbox course at Coursera. Unfortunately, I did this in my phd project. The repository no longer exists on github. I am no...
I would like to cross-reference an image which I include with the markdown ![caption with spaces](path/to/image.png) syntax.
I would like to be able to cross-reference this image as \@ref(fig:capti...
Mailman asked 15/10, 2020 at 1:13
I use bookdown to generate documents in both html and PDF. How could I use results from inline R code in theorem and example environments?
Here is what I tried:
title: "Test"
Sig asked 26/9, 2017 at 15:55
I would like to include a footnote within a figure caption in an R markdown report rendered to both PDF and HTML (report is based on bookdown/thesisdown/huskydown).
The ideal would be to use text r...
Bouley asked 10/11, 2020 at 15:8
I am trying to create a reference to DT::datatable in a bookdown project.
The bookdown manual states that (\#tab:label) should be placed at the beginning of the table caption. For testing, I crea...
Saarinen asked 13/4, 2018 at 14:58
I am using knitr::kable() to render tables as part of an R Markdown document (that itself is part of a bookdown project). In particular, the booktabs option (through setting the booktabs argument t...
Nasho asked 27/2, 2018 at 18:29
Certain kinds of documents, such as journal articles, often have a Supplemental Section, where the numbering of figures is different from the main body.
For example, in the main body, you might ha...
Tsang asked 7/5, 2018 at 22:7
The cross-referencing of figures works great thanks to the very helpful package bookdown from Yihui Xie. And one can reference figures like described in this question
However, I have to separate s...
Messieurs asked 2/9, 2019 at 8:34
In Latex, it is possible to insert a space that does not end a line by a ~ character. So writing Fig.~\ref{fig:f1} will write as
Fig. 1
and it makes sure that text wrapping never breaks a lin...
Byline asked 6/6, 2016 at 19:40
The R project and related files are available here.
I built a gitbook with bookdown package last December, which you may find in
When I first built i...
Monoclinous asked 1/2, 2020 at 5:41
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