Update: I think the problem is related to these two bookdown-bug reports: Cannot load mathtools MathJax extension in bookdown and Custom MathJax URL not working. The problem is that the upgreek extension requires MathJax V3, but bookdown/Rstudio uses the outdated V2.7. According to those bugs it is at present not possible to use V3 in bookdown.
Writing a text with Bookdown I would like to use upright Greek letters in maths. MathJax provides the upgreek extension for this, but I do not manage to load it or make it work in Bookdown. This is what I tried:
Following the Bookdown manual, I created an html file called "mathjax.html", containing the following script:
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
loader: {load: ['[tex]/upgreek']},
TeX: { TagSide: "right" }
then I include:
d it in the "_output.yml" configuration file:
in_header: mathjax.html
But upgreek letters are still not rendered (for example, an $\uppi$
outputs a red \uppi
, signaling an unknown macro).
I don't understand where the problem is. The MathJax config script above tries to follow both the instruction in the Bookdown manual, which uses MathJax.Hub.Config({});
, and the instruction in the MathJax manual, which instead uses window.MathJax = {};
. I tried also using the latter, but upgreek letters are still not rendered. I'm quite ignorant about the syntax of these kinds of script.
My general question is: how can I make Bookdown load particular MathJax packages?
not finding the linked html file, or loading it at the correct time. If it's the latter, you may be able to insert the html directly in the header as in this answer. The snippets you've posted are helpful but it would be easier to isolate the problem if you included a minimum reproducible example. – Tobogganupgreek
latex package via a .tex file, as they do in the linked Bookdown reference? – Gabriellegabrielliwindow.MathJax
example. Did you try theMathJax.Hub.Config({});
example, but replacing yourTeX: { TagSide: "right" }
withtex: {packages: {'[+]': ['upgreek']}}
(as per the MathJax-ref syntax)? – Gabriellegabrielli