I can't think of a solution to do it in yml, but you could create that yml-file programmatically and combine it with the rendering process.
Just create a simple script to generate the .yml-file and do the rendering:
# compile_my_book.R
# get the parameters
param1 <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)[1]
param2 <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)[2]
# just some dummy yml from bookdown examples
my_yml <- paste0(
"book_filename: 'my-book.Rmd'
before_chapter_script: ['script1.R', 'script2.R']
output_dir: 'book-output'
clean: ['my-book.bbl', 'R-packages.bib']"
# list the files
# (here you could also use list.files to get them automatically, sorting them etc.)
my_files <- c("chapter01.Rmd", "chapter02.Rmd", "References.Rmd")
# add your conditional files
if (param1 > param2) my_files <- c(my_files, "conditional.Rmd")
# create the _bookdown.yml
"\nrmd_files: ['", paste0(my_files, collapse = "', '"), "']",
file = "_bookdown.yml", sep = "")
# render your book with the arguments you want (excluding the values you want to check for)
bookdown::render_book('index.Rmd', 'bookdown::gitbook')
Then you could compile the book from command line:
Rscript compile_my_book.R value1 value2
(or create a makefile or something similar to run multiple things for you)
So running Rscript compile_my_book.R 1 2
does not add the conditional files, but Rscript compile_my_book.R 2 1
does it.
It's a bit hacky, but I'm using similar workflows to create long .xml-config files for some web apps I use, by reading in data from several sources, checking some conditions and creating the config file.