biopython Questions



QIIME requests this (here) regarding the fasta files it receives as input: The file is a FASTA file, with sequences in the single line format. That is, sequences are not broken up into multiple li...
Cheryllches asked 11/6, 2014 at 7:1



I have a DNA sequence and would like to get reverse complement of it using Python. It is in one of the columns of a CSV file and I'd like to write the reverse complement to another column in the sa...
Gat asked 7/8, 2014 at 17:50


Is there a way to use BioPython to convert FASTA files to a Genbank format? There are many answers on how to convert from Genbank to FASTA, but not the other way around.
Contrition asked 12/5, 2015 at 3:59



I am trying to pass BioPython sequences to Ilya Stepanov's implementation of Ukkonen's suffix tree algorithm in iPython's notebook environment. I am stumbling on the argparse component. I have ne...
Uroscopy asked 5/6, 2015 at 1:12


FYI: this is NOT a duplicate! Before running my python code I installed biopython in the cmd prompt: pip install biopython I then get an error saying 'No module named Bio' when try to import i...
Viscometer asked 16/4, 2018 at 1:33



I am using Python and a regular expression to find an ORF (open reading frame). Find a sub-string a string that is composed ONLY of the letters ATGC (no spaces or new lines) that: Starts with ATG...
Impunity asked 28/10, 2012 at 23:49



I was curious to know if there is any bioinformatics tool out there able to process a multiFASTA file giving me infos like number of sequences, length, nucleotide/aminoacid content, etc. and maybe ...
Mitchiner asked 24/11, 2009 at 10:55



I have a file that has thousands of accession numbers: and looks like this.. >NC_033829.1 Kallithea virus isolate DrosEU46_Kharkiv_2014, complete genome AGTCAGCAACGTCGATGTGGCGTACAATTTCTTGATTACAT...
Bays asked 25/7, 2021 at 19:36



New to coding. New to Pytho/biopython; this is my first question online, ever. How do I open a compressed fasta.gz file to extract info and perform calcuations in my function. Here is a simplified ...
Jeremyjerez asked 13/3, 2017 at 5:45


My Mac came installed with python 2.7 as the default python version. But, this version is no longer supported by many packages and software. I searched several online forums regarding how to change...
Outwards asked 30/11, 2020 at 6:33


I have some strings, ['SGALWDV', 'GALWDVP', 'ALWDVPS', 'LWDVPSP', 'WDVPSPV'] These strings partially overlap each other. If you manually overlapped them you would get: SGALWDVPSPV I want a ...
Mei asked 16/11, 2017 at 15:45



I have no idea what could be the problem here: I have some modules from Biopython which I can import easily when using the interactive prompt or executing python scripts via the command-line. The...
Symons asked 24/9, 2010 at 2:42


I was wondering if there is way to get the sequence of proteins from uniprot protein ids. I did check few online softwares but they allow to get one sequence at a time but I have 5536 vlues. Is the...
Hexagram asked 29/9, 2018 at 15:4


I have a fasta file as shown below. I would like to convert the three letter codes to one letter code. How can I do this with python or R? >2ppo ARGHISLEULEULYS >3oot METHISARGARGMET desir...
Flaminius asked 6/10, 2012 at 13:39



I have list of pmids i want to get abstracts for both of them in a single url hit pmids=[17284678,9997] abstract_dict={} url = db=pub...
Mcmurry asked 29/11, 2017 at 18:7



This question is related to bioinformatics. I did not recieve any suggestions in corresponding forums, so I write it here. I need to remove non-ACTG nucleotides in fasta file and write output to a...
Lugubrious asked 11/7, 2017 at 16:30



I am trying to use Entrez to import publication data into a database. The search part works fine, but when I try to parse: from Bio import Entrez def create_publication(pmid): handle = Entrez.e...
Claudineclaudio asked 22/12, 2016 at 15:42



import gzip import io from Bio import SeqIO infile = "myinfile.fastq.gz" fileout = open("myoutfile.fastq", "w+") with io.TextIOWrapper(, "r")) as f: line = fileout.write(...
Pipe asked 13/7, 2016 at 17:28



I am new to python and would like to extract abstracts from pubmed using the entrez system from the bio package. I got the esearch to give me my UIDs (stored in my_list_ges) and I can also download...
Gav asked 18/3, 2016 at 15:2


I have thousands of DNA sequences ranged between 100 to 5000 bp and I need to align and calculate the identity score for specified pairs. Biopython pairwise2 does a nice job but only for short sequ...
Synclastic asked 10/11, 2015 at 5:31



I have a directory with a large number of files that I want to move into folders based on part of the file name. My list of files looks like this: ID1_geneabc_species1.fa ID1_genexy_species1.fa I...
Cristionna asked 19/2, 2016 at 17:10



I want to be able to search a Seq object for a subsequnce Seq object accounting for ambiguity codes. For example, the following should be true: from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC impo...
Shavian asked 24/8, 2015 at 22:46



I am writing a function that is supposed to go through a .fasta file of DNA sequences and create a dictionary of nucleotide (nt) and dinucleotide (dnt) frequencies for each sequence in the file. I ...
Sourdough asked 27/5, 2015 at 16:28


I am trying to install biopython to run with Python 3.3 on a Windows7 computer. I have downloaded the biopython executable biopython-1.61.win32-py3.3-beta.exe. When I attempt to run the executabl...
Besprent asked 1/3, 2013 at 15:33



I am using the Phylo package from Biopython to create phylogenetic trees. For big trees, I need to decrease the fontsize of the leaf nodes. It has been suggested to change matplotlib.pyplot.rcPara...
Garboil asked 2/4, 2015 at 18:30

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