I have a file that has thousands of accession numbers:
and looks like this..
>NC_033829.1 Kallithea virus isolate DrosEU46_Kharkiv_2014, complete genome
>NC_020414.2 Escherichia phage UAB_Phi78, complete genome
If want to split this to multiple files with one accession number each then I can use the following code
awk -F '|' '/^>/ {F=sprintf("%s.fasta",$2); print > F;next;} {print >> F;}' < yourfile.fa
I have a file with thousands of accession numbers (aka >NC_*) and want to split it such as each files contains ~ 5000 accession numbers. Since I am new to awk/bash/python i struggle to find a neat solution
Any idea or comment are appreciated