matlab-figure Questions



I am creating some figures in MATLAB and automatically save them to files. The problem that by definition the images are small. A good way to solve my problem by hand is to create an image (figure)...
Bedevil asked 8/3, 2013 at 3:59



When I add grid lines to a log plot, it seems to automatically add every possible grid line, and I would like to only include the major lines. I tried turning the minor ticks off, but it has no eff...
Biogeography asked 28/6, 2024 at 2:52


I need to make a .fig file that can be reopened in Matlab, but I am working in Octave. But apparently there is no saveas command in Octave. This is what I am trying: octave:3> plot([1,2,3],[45,...
Dissected asked 13/2, 2012 at 22:45



I have a database P with columns X, Y and Z: x=0:1:50; r=3.*rand(1,51); P=[cos(x')+r',sin(x')+r',sin(x'+r').*cos(x')+r']; P = sortrows(P,[1,2]); N = 500; xv = linspace(min(P(:,1)), max(P(:,1)), N);...
Fonseca asked 20/10, 2022 at 15:42


I plot a horizontal boxplot in MATLAB -- boxplot(y, group,'orientation','horizontal'), and then hide the y-axis using set(gca,'box','off','ycolor','w'). It looks fine on the screen - only the bott...
Ruttish asked 20/2, 2013 at 18:56



I want the color of each arrow in a quiver3 plot from MATLAB to correspond to the magnitude of each arrow. Is there any way to do that? I saw a few examples online that are able to do this for th...
Glennglenna asked 14/4, 2015 at 16:18



I find the amount of whitespace around plots in both normal Python Matplotlib and Matlab quite annoying, specifically the left and right margins that make your plot look tiny when inserting the sav...
Freiburg asked 18/1, 2021 at 9:4



str = {'HS31'; 'HS31 (Ridotto)'; 'Dax85';'Dax85 (Ridotto)'; 'FTSE89';'FTSE89 (Ridotto)'; 'SP98';'SP98 (Ridotto)'; 'Nikkei22';'Nikkei225 (Ridotto)'; 'SP457';'SP457 (Ridotto)'; 'Russ1318';'Russ...
Albertoalberts asked 19/5, 2014 at 20:49


I'm using a Matlab Live script in which I'd like to use some subfigures. As the Standard figure size only uses a small section of the screen widths, I tried to enlarge the figure as follows: h = f...
Tympanic asked 26/11, 2018 at 11:30


I want to create the 3D plot of the probability density functions of my variable. I have a matrix with dimensions 189x10000, where rows correspond to the time and columns are results of the simulat...
Racemic asked 2/7, 2020 at 16:44



If I do a bar([1 2 3 4 5;2 3 4 5 1], 'stacked') I get two bars of stacked values corresponding to the two rows of my data - as I expected: I would like to be able to similarly plot a stacked b...
Provisional asked 11/2, 2020 at 17:59



Let's say data is a matrix of size 129 * 129. by using mesh(data, 'FaceColor', 'none', 'EdgeColor', 'black') we get something like We can find that the grid are quite intense. I would like t...
Sanitarian asked 21/1, 2020 at 20:0


Is there an option to change the symbol size in the legend that Matlab creates? I only want to increase the symbol size in the legend. I have used 4 scatters of 3 points each.
Battologize asked 26/2, 2015 at 11:52


I have a data set that looks like this 140400 70.7850 1 140401 70.7923 2 140402 70.7993 3 140403 70.8067 4 140404 70.8139 5 140405 70.8212 3 Where the first column corresponds to time (one...
Akan asked 28/7, 2015 at 19:6



I find that data points that lie on or near the axes are difficult to see. The obvious fix, of course, is to simply change the plot area using axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]), but this is not preferabl...
Electroplate asked 7/7, 2016 at 20:51


I'm trying to fill an area between two curves with respect to a function which depends on the values of the curves. Here is the code of what I've managed to do so far i=50; cc = @(xx,x,y) 1./(1+(e...
Folia asked 4/9, 2019 at 6:54



MATLAB 2016a introduced Live Scripts, allowing to show plotting output next to the script. Is it somehow possible to show animations? For example, the following code in a regular script will plot a...
Fauver asked 30/8, 2016 at 15:5



I got a for i=1:15. Inside I generate a variable d=1:0.01:10, which is the x'x axis and based on this, I create a continuous function F(d) which has 2 unique variables pitch and yaw. I then plot th...
Bedmate asked 10/2, 2014 at 19:15



I have the following problem: in my MATLAB code I use statements like figure(1) to change destination figure for some data. The problem is that after this MATLAB take system focus on the ...
Segarra asked 28/6, 2013 at 10:27



MATLAB provides the addlistener function. Listeners allow us to keep track of changes of an object's properties and act upon them. For example, we can create a very simple listener that will displ...



In MATLAB I have a graph with some tick labels. I'd like to visually emphasize a few of these labels, but not all of them. Is there a way to only put SOME tick labels in boldface?
Acrodrome asked 7/2, 2012 at 1:32


the code figure scatter([1,2,3],[1,2,3]); ax = gca; ax.YDir = 'reverse' ah = annotation('arrow','position',[ 2.5 2.5 -1 -1]); set(ah,'parent',ax); gives a wrong vector head alignment: Any ide...
Piers asked 18/4, 2019 at 9:57



I'm attempting to plot a color gradient which I would like to be uniform along an axis (in the case of the picture below defined by the angle pi/7) When I use the patch command, The plot matches t...
Humeral asked 10/4, 2019 at 14:57



I want to add a x-axis line at 0 to a Matlab figure so that I can compare my data to see if it is positive or negative when saving the figures to a jpg. What is the best way to do this? I know you ...
Paralysis asked 10/11, 2011 at 21:58


I'm clueless when it comes to which renderer to use for MATLAB figures or when it matters, but I have come across certain examples where it does matter: plot(0,0,'ko','markersize',50,'linewidth',8...
Davao asked 16/11, 2015 at 18:29

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