All CPU instructions are 100% functional to reach compatibility with older CPUs. So why to avoid some instruction? There is no realy deprecated x86 instructions! But we can say:
1)All string istructions like rep movsb are slower.
2) xlat is slow and very rare in use.
3)Also the use of stack frame functions ENTER and LEAVE is slow.
4)Uder Windows (XP, vista...) the deprecated instructions are IN and OUT, but only under CPU ring 2 (aplication level), also the int nn is deprecated, except int3 (debugger trap).
EDIT: added simple speed test to check strings instruction rep cmp
on different versions of CPUs.
Test is made under Delphi IDE but the asm part is very easy to translate in any other IDE.
program ProjectTest;
uses SysUtils, windows;
ArraySize = 50000;
StartTicks :int64;
EndTicks :int64;
arA :array [0..ArraySize - 1]of byte;
arB :array [0..ArraySize - 1]of byte;
FillChar(ArA, SizeOf(ArA), 255); //Set all bytes to 0xFF
FillChar(ArB, SizeOf(ArB), 255); //Set all bytes to 0xFF
Sleep(100); //Calm down
//Save StartTicks
mov dword ptr [StartTicks], eax
mov dword ptr [StartTicks + 4], edx
//Test LOOP
push edi
mov ecx, -ArraySize
mov edi, offset arA + ArraySize
mov esi, offset arB + ArraySize
mov al,[esi + ecx]
cmp [edi + ecx], al
jnz @exit
inc ecx
jnz @loop
pop edi
//Save EndTicks
mov dword ptr [EndTicks], eax
mov dword ptr [EndTicks + 4], edx
WriteLn('Loop ticks : ' + IntToStr(EndTicks - StartTicks));
Sleep(100); //Calm down
//Save StartTicks
mov dword ptr [StartTicks], eax
mov dword ptr [StartTicks + 4], edx
//Test REP
push edi
mov ecx, ArraySize
mov edi, offset arA
mov esi, offset arB
repe cmpsb
pop edi
//Save EndTicks
mov dword ptr [EndTicks], eax
mov dword ptr [EndTicks + 4], edx
WriteLn('Rep ticks : ' + IntToStr(EndTicks - StartTicks));
ReadLn //Wait keyboard
until false;
TESTs for ArraySize = 50000
Average results...
1)My Intel single core CPU Pentium 4 results: Loop ticks : 232000; Rep ticks : 233000
2)My Intel Core 2 Quad CPU results: Loop ticks : 158000; Rep ticks : 375000
instructions come to mind with regard to this. However, I can't think of any cases where the complex instructions are faster than the simple ones. Can you name a few for me so that I am better informed? – Jimmiejimmy