type-level-computation Questions



Is there any way to write a type family that sometimes evaluates to a constrained type such as C a => T? This question arose when I was writing the following type family: type family Function (c...
Solifluction asked 19/8, 2023 at 6:6


If I have an arbitrary type union in Scala 3, is it possible to write a method that "removes" one type from the union? Similar to shapeless.ops.coproduct.Remove, but for native Scala 3. F...
Herrle asked 3/7, 2022 at 16:33



How can I impletement type-level operations (addition in this case) in Scala 3 ? Here is what I would like to do (this does not compile) : case class foo[S <: Int & Singleton](value: Double)...
Tektite asked 17/3, 2023 at 10:4



Wanted to implement type safe matrix multiplication in Haskell. Defined the following: {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds, GADTs #-} module Vector where data Nat = Succ Nat | Zero data Vector (...


Given: abstract class Quantity[A <: Quantity[A]] sealed trait UnitOfMeasure[A] class Time extends Quantity[Time] object Minutes extends UnitOfMeasure[Time] class PowerRamp extends Quantity[Pow...
Mewl asked 22/8, 2021 at 1:51



How would I go about deriving the function getField :: (Generic a, HasDatatypeInfo a) => Proxy (name :: Symbol) -> a -> b to project a field from an arbitrary record using a type-level st...


I would like to get GHC to infer a constraint past a GADT pattern match. For instance, suppose I have two expressions, each with an inferred constraint: f :: _ => a g :: _ => a (In my use ca...
Uniat asked 17/12, 2020 at 9:57



I have a trait Foo[T, U] and a type-level algorithm that given an L <: HList and a target type U, tells me whether there exists T in L such that there is an implicit Foo[T, U] in scope. This is ...



type a = [1,2,3] type Invert<T extends any[] & {'0': any}> = ??? type b = Invert<a> // should yield [3,2,1] I am stucked to figure out the definition of Invert type of a tuple, al...
Triplenerved asked 9/1, 2020 at 6:47


I'd like to do something similar to below with labelled tuples and wondering it this posible in TS4 yet type stringProperties<T extends {}> = {[k in keyof T]: string} This would mean that I ...
Marius asked 3/10, 2020 at 21:51



I create a lot of data processing pipelines using mass spectrometry data, where data from the instrument gets cleaned up, transformed, scaled, inspected, and finally analyzed. I tend to use a recur...
Kesha asked 31/8, 2020 at 16:13



I'm trying to implement Conway's surreal numbers in Scala. A surreal number is defined recursively – as a pair of sets of surreal numbers, called left and right, such that no element in the right s...
Compressive asked 26/6, 2020 at 8:13



A nice true fact about concatenation is that if I know any two variables in the equation: a ++ b = c Then I know the third. I would like to capture this idea in my own concat so I use a functio...


I'm trying to understand singleton types in shapeless and faced misunderstanding about singleton types compile-time type. Here is an example: val x: Witness.`120`.T = 120.narrow It works fine, b...


My issue I have the following type family that splits arguments off of a function: type family SeparateArgs ( a :: Type ) :: ( Type, [Type] ) where SeparateArgs (a -> b) = SndCons2 a (Se...


I have a class instance that has some relatively unintuitive constraints. This results in unreadable error messages if this constraint is violated. What I would like to do is provide a custom type ...
Prostyle asked 31/7, 2019 at 10:52


Considering https://speakerdeck.com/folone/theres-a-prolog-in-your-scala, I would like to "abuse" the Scala type system to find all instances of e.g. CanBuildFrom that match a given criteria. Prolo...


Consider following definition of a HList: infixr 5 :> data HList (types :: [*]) where HNil :: HList '[] (:>) :: a -> HList l -> HList (a:l) And a type family Map to map over typele...



I have a typeclass Search, which has an instance Search[A] if we have a TypeClass1[A] or a TypeClass2[A] instance. With preference given to the 1 instance. The following compiles: trait TypeClass...



To motivate this question, let's first recall a bog-standard Hoare-Dijkstra-style indexed monad, and the example instance of an indexed writer monad. For an indexed monad, we just require type ali...
Debi asked 15/7, 2019 at 13:1



I've got a type family defined as follows: type family Vec a (n :: Nat) where Vec a Z = a Vec a (S n) = (a, Vec a n) I'd like to assert that the result of applying this type family always fulf...
Appendicle asked 4/7, 2019 at 0:31



I have a type class that looks a bit like the following: class Foo a b | a -> b where f :: a -> Bool g :: b -> Bool h :: a -> b -> Bool Or at least these are the bits that are ...



I recently read the very interesting paper Monotonicity Types in which a new HM-language is described that keeps track of monotonicity across operations, so that the programmer does not have to do ...
Burble asked 6/5, 2019 at 8:58



I'm trying to define some structure like this case class Transformer[From, To]( name: String, get: PaymentEvent => From, to: From => To I want to filter elements with names that are par...
Bassoon asked 16/4, 2019 at 12:26



Consider this code: trait TypeOr[E, F] { type T } implicit def noneq2[E, F](implicit ev: E =!= F): TypeOr[E, F] = new TypeOr[E, F] { type T = (E, F) } sealed trait Error[+E, +A] case cl...
Stardom asked 10/4, 2019 at 9:38

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