To motivate this question, let's first recall a bog-standard Hoare-Dijkstra-style indexed monad, and the example instance of an indexed writer monad.
For an indexed monad, we just require type alignment on (i)bind
class IMonadHoare m where
ireturn :: a -> m i i a
ibind :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
and then just to show that this is usable, let's implement an indexed writer monad:
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
newtype IWriter cat i j a = IWriter{ runIWriter :: (a, cat i j) }
instance (Category cat) => IMonadHoare (IWriter cat) where
ireturn x = IWriter (x, id)
ibind (IWriter (x, f)) k = IWriter $
let (y, g) = runIWriter (k x)
in (y, g . f)
And it really is a writer-like monad, since we can implement the usual methods:
itell :: (Category cat) => cat i j -> IWriter cat i j ()
itell f = IWriter ((), f)
ilisten :: (Category cat) => IWriter cat i j a -> IWriter cat i j (a, cat i j)
ilisten w = IWriter $
let (x, f) = runIWriter w
in ((x, f), f)
ipass :: (Category cat) => IWriter cat i j (a, cat i j -> cat i j) -> IWriter cat i j a
ipass w = IWriter $
let ((x, censor), f) = runIWriter w
in (x, censor f)
OK, so far so good. But now I'd like to generalize this to other kinds (heh) of indices. I thought it would work to simply add associated type families for the type-level monoid operations, like so:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, PolyKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
import Data.Kind
class IMonadTF idx (m :: idx -> Type -> Type) | m -> idx where
type Empty m :: idx
type Append m (i :: idx) (j :: idx) :: idx
ireturn :: a -> m (Empty m) a
ibind :: m i a -> (a -> m j b) -> m (Append m i j) b
So, does this work? Well, you can use it to define something where Empty
is non-indexed, like so:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}
import GHC.TypeLists
newtype Counter (n :: Nat) a = Counter{ runCounter :: a }
instance IMonadTF Nat Counter where
type Empty Counter = 0
type Append Counter n m = n + m
ireturn = Counter
ibind (Counter x) k = Counter . runCounter $ k x
tick :: Counter 1 ()
tick = Counter ()
But now can we recreate our IWriter
example? Unfortunately, I haven't been able to.
First of all, we can't even declare Empty
data IWriter cat (ij :: (Type, Type)) a where
IWriter :: { runIWriter :: (a, cat i j) } -> IWriter cat '(i, j) a
instance (Category cat) => IMonadTF (Type, Type) (IWriter cat) where
type Empty (IWriter cat) = '(i, i)
This, of course, fails because the type variable i
is not in scope.
Let's change Empty
into a Constraint
instead, and recreate the Counter
instance just to validate it:
class IMonadConstraint idx (m :: idx -> Type -> Type) | m -> idx where
type IsEmpty m (i :: idx) :: Constraint
type Append m (i :: idx) (j :: idx) :: idx
ireturn :: (IsEmpty m i) => a -> m i a
ibind :: m i a -> (a -> m j b) -> m (Append m i j) b
newtype Counter (n :: Nat) a = Counter{ runCounter :: a }
instance IMonadConstraint Nat Counter where
type IsEmpty Counter n = n ~ 0
type Append Counter n m = n + m
ireturn = Counter
ibind (Counter x) k = Counter . runCounter $ k x
tick :: Counter 1 ()
tick = Counter ()
Now we can at least write down the definition of IsEmpty (Writer cat)
, but in the code below, ireturn
still doesn't typecheck. It is as if the defintion of IsEmpty
isn't used to solve constraints:
instance (Category cat) => IMonadConstraint (Type, Type) (IWriter cat) where
type IsEmpty (IWriter cat) '(i, j) = i ~ j
ireturn x = IWriter (x, id)
Could not deduce
i ~ '(j0, j0)
from the contextIsEmpty (IWriter cat) i
Similarly, we can try to enforce the alignment in the middle by adding a constraint for appending:
class IMonadConstraint2 idx (m :: idx -> Type -> Type) | m -> idx where
type IsAppend m (i :: idx) (j :: idx) :: Constraint
type Append m (i :: idx) (j :: idx) :: idx
ireturn :: (IsEmpty m i) => a -> m i a ibind :: (IsAppend m i j) => m i a -> (a -> m j b) -> m (Append m i j) b
But then that fails for IWriter
in a similar way:
instance (Category cat) => IMonadConstraint2 (Type, Type) (IWriter cat) where
type IsAppend (IWriter cat) '(i, j) '(j', k) = j ~ j'
type Append (IWriter cat) '(i, j) '(j', k) = '(i, k)
ibind (IWriter (x, w)) k = IWriter $
let (y, w') = runIWriter (k x)
in (y, w' . w)
Could not deduce
j ~ '(j1, j0)
from the contextIsAppend (IWriter cat) i j
Is it because IsEmpty
and IsAppend
defined "pointwise"?
classes you propose different names, so we can properly discuss them. – Impartial