I have a typeclass Search
, which has an instance Search[A]
if we have a TypeClass1[A]
or a TypeClass2[A]
instance. With preference given to the 1
The following compiles:
trait TypeClass1[A]
trait TypeClass2[A]
trait Search[A]
object Search extends LPSearch {
implicit def case1[A](implicit ev: TypeClass1[A]): Search[A] = null
trait LPSearch {
implicit def case2[A](implicit ev: TypeClass2[A]): Search[A] = null
object Test {
implicit val ev1: TypeClass1[Int] = null
implicit val ev2: TypeClass2[Int] = null
This is as I would expect, the implicit search finds case1
, finds ev1
, and stops searching.
However, if we change TypeClass2
to have more structure, the implicit search stops working:
trait TypeClass1[A]
trait TypeClass2[M[_], A]
trait Search[A]
object Search extends LPSearch {
// This is the same as before
implicit def case1[A](implicit ev: TypeClass1[A]): Search[A] = null
trait LPSearch {
implicit def case2[M[_], A](implicit ev: TypeClass2[M, A]): Search[M[A]] = null
object Test {
implicit val ev1: TypeClass1[List[Int]] = null
implicit val ev2: TypeClass2[List, Int] = null
// Does not compile:
Why does this last line not compile in the above example?
It fails with ambiguous implicit values
, saying both case1
and case2
satisfy the condition.
Behaviour observed on scala 2.12.8 and 2.13.0
to be preferred? – Egoist