tsconfig Questions


When run eslint --ext \".js,.ts,.vue\" --ignore-path .gitignore . script using npm run lint, the following error occurs. /(somethingSomething...)/Test.vue 0:0 error Parsing error: "...
Interchangeable asked 24/11, 2021 at 9:41


When using GitHub Copilot Chat within Visual Studio Code, I've encountered an issue where TypeScript attempts to type check "temporary files" generated by Copilot. These files, identifiab...


When running tsc, I am getting many TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for 'someLibrary' These libraries came from node_modules. I have tried to exclude node_modules and skipLibCheck in tscon...
Elnoraelnore asked 27/8, 2020 at 10:3



I've got a folder structure like so: - mono-repo tsconfig.paths.json - Website tsconfig.json - src test.ts index.ts - Tool - src index.ts // mono-repo/tsconfig.paths.json { "compilerOp...
Smithson asked 9/12, 2019 at 20:48


I was wondering what is better and what are the pros and cons of using "files" vs "include" in tsconfig? I don't really like the include pattern because is just including all ts files in the src f...
Heilbronn asked 13/8, 2018 at 9:27


VSCode linting does not seem to respect the paths I defined in my tsconfig.json file. I get the following error, when importing anything from an "alias" defined in my tsconfig.json. tsco...
Carlyle asked 1/10, 2020 at 2:6



I have a webpack project with this in my "main.ts" module: import {Elm} from "./MainModule"; it fails with: TS2307: Cannot find module './MainModule'. but when I switch my "tsconfig.json" fro...
Descent asked 16/12, 2018 at 15:16


Somehow the Angular (v11.0.4) language service in VSCode does not work anymore. I get the following error message.: [Info - 17:52:04] Angular language server process ID: 147359 [Info - 17:52:04] Us...


I'm developing a TypeScript Node.js project with Next.js. I have noticed that in the TypeScript configuration file tsconfig.json, it allows me to specify the values of the "target" and &q...
Exit asked 25/5, 2023 at 12:0



I want to use imports (import x from y) and top-level awaits at the same time with ts-node. However if I change my tsconfig.compilerOptions.module to es2017 or higher as required by top-level await...
Dinnage asked 6/5, 2022 at 21:5


I am using Jest with TypeScript. Despite the fact that my code works and I can build my project, Visual Studio Code throws me that error for all Jest methods (describe(), test()...): Cannot find na...
Surra asked 12/10, 2020 at 11:6



Consider a simple typescript project with the following directory structure: | package.json | tsconfig.json | \---src | app.ts | \---foobar Foo.ts Bar.ts tsconfig.json has been configured...
Priedieu asked 21/2, 2017 at 0:18


I'm using tsc build tasks. Unfortunately I'm always getting the same errors from the node modules folder Executing task: .\node_modules\.bin\tsc.cmd --watch -p .\tsconfig.json < node_modules/@ty...
Hexylresorcinol asked 1/8, 2018 at 13:18



I found a solution here: Webpack & Typescript image import But I am getting error for this: [ts] Types of property 'src' are incompatible. Type 'typeof import("*.png")' is not assign...
Klan asked 29/6, 2018 at 11:9


I have installed React TS in Vite, but it is showing me an error in tsconfig.json. I can't figure out why because I haven't even tried to change the installed code yet. What is the reason? [tsconfi...
Burning asked 20/4, 2023 at 13:4



Getting Cannot find module '' or its corresponding type declarations. when importing in Next.js project. This happens on every single import. Preview Yarn version : 3.1.0-rc.2 Next version: 11.1.2 ...
Cud asked 18/9, 2021 at 22:4


I am getting this error six times on my tsconfig.json file at [1,1]: Cannot find type definition file for 'body-parser'. The file is in the program because: Entry point for implicit type library ...
Leitman asked 30/3, 2022 at 8:20



Say I put my code under src and tests under spec: + spec + --- classA.spec.ts + src + --- classA.ts + --- classB.ts + --- index.ts + tsconfig.json I want to only transpile src to the dist folder...
Carolinian asked 18/2, 2016 at 0:28


Here is the case. I am using Nrwl NX Monorepo. I have 2 libraries: lib-a and lib-b; both are publishable libraries created via NX. Now I create a MyClass.ts in lib-a. Naturally under paths in works...
Neldanelia asked 15/7, 2019 at 19:23



I'm trying to import some services using barrels and tsconfigs paths options but I can't get angular and vscode to get along. If it works for one it doesn't for the other and viceversa... My situ...
Cary asked 6/11, 2018 at 13:52


I am setting up a new project with Remix (remix.run) and I am trying to configure Cypress/ESLint for component testing. I have a TestComponent.cy.ts with some boilerplate code: describe('TestCompon...
Knurled asked 12/11, 2022 at 13:48


I am using highland.js and have installed it with its type definition: jq .dependencies package.json | grep highland "@types/highland": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/highland/-/highland-1.14...
Octopod asked 14/12, 2016 at 14:21


I'm using Vite to create a new React + TypeScript project. After creating the project, there are two TypeScript config files on the root folder: tsconfig.json and tsconfig.node.json. These are the ...
Agriculturist asked 27/4, 2022 at 11:30


Situation npx nuxi init my-project-name cd my-project-name npm install When I run this command, I get the error "defineNuxtConfig is not defined." I have tried reinstalling node.js, but ...
Flocculus asked 1/4, 2023 at 9:48



I'm running npx jest test Getting this error, no matter how I change my configuration: error TS1378: Top-level 'await' expressions are only allowed when the 'module' option is set to 'es2022', 'esn...
Jeane asked 2/11, 2023 at 7:51

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