testcase Questions
I have started testing and now i want to use @After, @Before and @Test but my application only runs the @Before method and gives output on console
However, if I remove @After and @Befor...
Is it possible to create an abstract TestCase, that will have some test_* methods, but this TestCase won't be called and those methods will only be used in subclasses? I think I am going to have on...
Suilmann asked 30/12, 2010 at 22:54
I have a view that sets a cookie using response.set_cookie method. I would like to test if the cookie is being set in a TestCase.
According to docs, the cookie should be accessible in the client ob...
Bowstring asked 24/5, 2012 at 13:42
I saw that I'm not the only one having this problem but I don't find a correct answer.
I have an android project that I want to test. I create a junit test class for each class of my project.
My pr...
Is there any way to pass generic types using a TestCase to a test in NUnit?
This is what I would like to do but the syntax is not correct...
[TestCase<IMyInterface, MyConcreteClass>]...
Housebreaking asked 2/3, 2010 at 16:47
I'm new to the whole programming stuff but here's my problem:
I used to add my JUnit test cases in Eclipse by right clicking on the project, and just add New > JUnit Test Case.
Currently, I am no...
I'm looking for a way how to run a testcase multiple times with different setting.
I'm testing a database access class (dozens of test methods), and want to test it in "normal mode" and then in "...
I am using Intellij 2019.2 to run gradle test cases, however, I keep getting the following exception. According to some posts, I have done the following:
Add junit(junit-jupiter-api:5.3.1) depen...
Bear asked 20/10, 2019 at 19:33
how is possible to add 'Authorization': 'Token' to TEST request in Django/DRF?
If i use simple requests.get(url, headers={'Authorization': 'Token'} all work perfect but how to do such request in T...
Jumper asked 16/11, 2017 at 14:8
I read about Structuring Unit Tests with having a test class per class and an inner class per method. Figured that seemed like a handy way to organize the tests, so I tried it in our Java project. ...
Skirr asked 6/1, 2012 at 13:9
I have a very simple view as follows
def simple_view(request):
documents = request.user.document_set.all()
return render(request, 'simple.html', {'documents': documents})
To test the above vie...
Pless asked 17/4, 2013 at 11:16
I am working on a project in Runestone using test.testEqual(). I work with a Anaconda/Spyder console and translate code back into Runestone. Python doesn't seem to support test.testEqual so I have ...
Youlandayoulton asked 29/5, 2019 at 13:59
I just created a test class from File->New->JUnit Test Cases and this is my whole code:
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import or...
Romanticism asked 25/1, 2019 at 13:5
I find the TestCase feature in NUnit quite useful as a quick way to specify test parameters without needing a separate method for each test. Is there anything similar in MSTest?
This method is empty in all my JUnit test cases. What is the use of this method?
Sonarqube is complaining
"Add a nested comment explaining why this method is empty, throw an UnsupportedOperationE...
Wincer asked 17/4, 2018 at 21:44
This is quite simple but annoying behaviour I am running into with NUnit:
I have some tests like this:
[TestCase( 1, 2, "hello" )]
[TestCase( 3, 5, "goodbye" )]
public void MyClass_MyMetho...
Heliozoan asked 29/7, 2013 at 13:53
I've googled for JUnit test case, and it comes up with something that looks a lot more complicated to implement - where you have to create a new class that extends test case which you then call:
Macaluso asked 29/12, 2010 at 12:35
How do I test for exceptions in a TestCase with NUnit3?
Let's say I have a method Divide(a,b) defined as follows:
public double Divide(double a, double b)
if(Math.Abs(b) < double.Epsilon) t...
I am currently working on UI Integration tests using Cypress. I am looking for ways to add test case grouping in cypress similar to the standard TestNG. I was not able to find any grouping features...
Luna asked 27/11, 2020 at 23:55
I am writing a simple test case. I installed codeception using composer.
My test cases are located in root folder inside test case folder
when i try to run the following code
namespace app\test...
Serilda asked 20/1, 2015 at 8:18
In RSpec I could stub method like this:
allow(company).to receive(:foo){300}
How can I stub a method with ActiveSupport::TestCase?
I have a test like this.
class CompanyTest < ActiveSupport...
Depopulate asked 10/8, 2016 at 7:44
I have a Master Copy of test cases, which I will be cloning for every testing cycle.
Changes in Master Copy test cases gets reflected in already cloned test cases. How can i avoid this?
Unchancy asked 26/2, 2020 at 5:36
I have a testSuite in Python with several testCases.
If a testCase fails, testSuite continues with the next testCase. I would like to be able to stop testSuite when a testCase fails or be able to...
Quinquennium asked 25/7, 2011 at 9:7
I have a file called test_web.py containing a class TestWeb and many methods named like test_something().
I can run every test in the class like so:
$ nosetests test_web.py
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