I just ran across this posting (11 years later) regarding the testing of inner classes. An inner class can be trivially converted to equivalent static form only if the class should have been static in the first place. Static inner classes are not really inner classes because there is no enclosing this. They have exactly the same semantics (except for visibility restrictions) as top-level classes.
To test a "true" inner class [one that depends on its enclosing instance] you need to use the interface that the Java language provides for creating inner class instances outside the scope of the enclosing class. That interface includes an extra parameter in each constructor which is the enclosing instance. In this way, the Java compiler converts an inner class to a special top-level class with a mangled name (lots of $ signs) and augmented constructors. The same transformation can be performed at the source level. In principle, these transformed classes can be tested but it is a complex process because the tested program has transformed syntax and the test code must construct a (mock) object that serves as the enclosing instance.
Another way to test true inner classes is to write an executable method contract for each method consisting of an executable logical pre-condition and an executable logical post-condition. Then these executable contracts can be evaluated in the course of running a conventional top-level test that invokes the inner class methods.
In practice, I typically settle for the indirect testing of inner class methods in the course of top-level testing. Writing and testing executable contracts for all methods is a more rigorous, albeit significantly more expensive, alternative.
, it should work. – Graner