swiftui-list Questions


Description When an HStack'ed list row components start with a non-Text and is followed by a Text component, then line Divider start from the first Text occurrence in the row. What I expect is Divi...
Simas asked 8/1, 2023 at 9:35



I know how to change the background color of a SwiftUI Views list, but I cannot find the default color. I've tried using the MacOS 'Digital Color Meter', but it just doesn't pick it up right. As yo...
Psychrometer asked 8/12, 2020 at 8:25



SwiftUI List will automatically highlight the tapped row, iff there is a NavigationLink inside. Since I use SwiftUI embedded in UIKit via UIHostingController, I handle my navigation with a UINaviga...
Gambia asked 5/9, 2022 at 7:21



I've seen similar questions like this one here on Stack Overflow, but none of them have been able to answer my question. I have created a List, but I want to remove the padding space (marked with a...
Gunner asked 23/6, 2021 at 3:45


I have a list with some NavigationLinks as OutlineGroup: List { OutlineGroup(bundle.topics, children: \.children) { topic in NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(topic: topic)) { Label(topic.n...
Trelu asked 16/11, 2021 at 16:50


I have an InsetGroupedListStyle List in SwiftUI and noticed an extra top padding added in iOS 15. How can I control or remove this? List { Section(header: Text("Header")) { // some cont...
Phrasal asked 24/9, 2021 at 1:6



I am working on a SwiftUI app and am having warnings first and later bugs, probably because I ignored the warnings. I want to show the warnings I am getting and I hope somebody can point out someth...
Flour asked 20/4, 2021 at 14:31


I have a really simple SwiftUI view that is listing a bunch of Texts: extension String: Identifiable { public var id: String { return self } } struct ContentView: View { var items: [String] = (...
Fugger asked 25/9, 2019 at 13:46



Given a basic List with Text, how can i make the whole "cell" from left side of the screen to right, tappable in a List, not just the "Hello world" text? List { VStack { Text...
Uis asked 12/7, 2021 at 11:27



I'm trying to put a Text for each visible (within the screen bounds) row in a List of their current index in all the visible rows. I have an example here. If I have a list showing 3 rows at a time...
Donella asked 14/4, 2020 at 1:24



does anyone know of a way to remove the space between sections of a list in Swiftui? I tried inserting the footer as an EmptyView but it doesn't work. This problem occurs from iOS 16 onwards becaus...
Doublestop asked 17/1, 2023 at 8:49


I'm having trouble getting all images to show in a List using AsyncImage. When you first run the app, it seems fine but if you start scrolling, some Images aren't shown. Either the ProgressView doe...
Mott asked 31/7, 2022 at 0:18



@State var documents: [ScanDocument] = [] func loadDocuments() { guard let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else { return } let managedContext = appDelegate.pers...
Buckler asked 26/7, 2020 at 13:50



I'm trying to create a nested hierarchical list so that for each task I can have subtasks like in iOS reminders app: First attempt was to embed another list inside a list cell. import SwiftUI str...
Decompound asked 15/11, 2019 at 18:21


My problem is that i have (in SwiftUI) a ScrollView with an foreach inside. Know when the foreach loads all of my entries i want that the last entry is focused. I did some google research, but i d...
Drool asked 14/10, 2019 at 12:20


Using SwiftUI (latest XCode and testing on IOS 13.3) I'm trying to implement a long press gesture on items in a list, to allow user interaction with the individual items. The problem is that when I...
Zinn asked 21/12, 2019 at 22:27



I want to create a SwiftUI List, but not show scroll indicators. ScrollView offers showsIndicators to do this. How can it be done?
Unplug asked 10/10, 2019 at 9:45


Is there a way how to set contentInset on SwiftUI's List? I need to adjust the bottom inset to have the last item visible above the bottom button. My current solution is the following Section(head...
Bruit asked 14/9, 2020 at 15:17



I am searching for a solution to show the disclosure indicator chevron without having the need to wrap my view into an NavigationLink. For example I want to show the indicator but not navigate to a...
Danais asked 6/6, 2020 at 22:41


When we use SwiftUI List component and need a section header, top padding will appear on the header of each section. Under iOS15, we use UITableView.appearance().sectionHeaderTopPadding = 0 to solv...
Cammiecammy asked 3/9, 2022 at 13:36



When I embed a List grouped into Sections into a NavigationView the section headers become collapsible. I'd like to keep them non-collapsible, just like when the List is not embedded into the Navig...
Frontal asked 14/10, 2020 at 10:4


I have a vertical list in the screen to show the images category wise and each category/list contains list of images which is shown horizontally. (Attached image for reference) Now when I am scroll...
Kilowatthour asked 26/6, 2021 at 10:54



Any idea on how to apply a specific background color to the bottom toolbar? NavigationView { List { .... } .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar) { Button(action: { model.selectTab(tab...
Seamus asked 29/10, 2020 at 0:37


I have a SwiftUI expanding list built as shown in this article. Here is my implementation: struct ContentView: View { var movies: [Movie] var body: some View { List(movies, children: \.movies...
Dobla asked 3/5, 2023 at 14:47


I am trying to rearrange List rows when in edit mode. Quick summary: I want DisclosureGroup rows like Second to not be inserted into their own children's hierarchy. It's fine if they go into any ot...
Idioblast asked 5/9, 2021 at 20:31

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