curve Questions



I have a two dimensional euclidean space. Three points are given. For example (p2 is the middle point): Point2D p1 = new Point2D.Double(177, 289); Point2D p2 = new Point2D.Double(178, 290); Point...
Egidius asked 14/12, 2016 at 13:47


Good Day, I have two different paths in a 2D plane. I want to compare these two paths with the Fréchet Distance. I know some points of the trajectories, each is connected to another point with a ...
Meson asked 7/9, 2016 at 15:56


Hi, Is it possible to achieve this effect with CSS only? As you can see, the image on top is distorted along with the text inside to look like the one below. It may be a div or an image. I have...
Alonzoaloof asked 19/5, 2016 at 21:43


I need to find out Y coordinate of specific point of bezier curve in canvas. Do you know, how to find it out? Thank you
Commination asked 5/1, 2013 at 17:13



I have the following data. x_plus <- c(1.3660254, 1.1123724, 1.0000000, 0.9330127, 0.8872983, 0.8535534, 0.8273268, 0.8061862, 0.7886751, 0.7738613, 0.6936492, 0.6581139, 0.6369306, 0.6224745...
Cleave asked 21/10, 2022 at 19:18


Is it possible to generate this kind of random curves? I've tried IMagick bezier curves (see, but even with 20-30 points they do not...
Subfusc asked 12/7, 2011 at 8:53


How to draw custom shape for the appBar in my application to look like the image?
Brumfield asked 3/7, 2020 at 0:49



Is there a build-in way how to get a time by value from Animation curve in Unity3d? (The opposite way of Evaluate) I need to achieve this (instead of getting value from time): float time = Animat...
Belloir asked 27/8, 2014 at 12:59


This is the typical Crop Growth Curve The general equation/function for the sigmoid curve are, as in the function below 1 2 def sigmoid(x): y = (1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))) return (y) I want that dur...
Maxon asked 12/10, 2021 at 6:19



How can I find the point B(t) along a cubic Bezier curve that is closest to an arbitrary point P in the plane?
Ary asked 30/4, 2010 at 6:7



Let's assume a sequence of points. If I would like to plot a smooth curve through these points, I thought the plot option smooth would do the job. From help smooth: Syntax: smooth {unique | frequ...
Outvote asked 3/9, 2021 at 8:14


I've been trying to superimpose a normal curve over my histogram with ggplot 2. My formula: data <- read.csv (path...) ggplot(data, aes(V2)) + geom_histogram(alpha=0.3, fill='white', colour='...
Deweese asked 6/8, 2011 at 15:5



First take a look: The cat needs to move to the x in a curve. (see the arrow) When the cat hits the x, it should stay 10 seconds, and after that the cat should go back to o, again in a curve, a...
Breathe asked 22/11, 2011 at 20:46



I have three points in 2D and I want to draw a quadratic Bézier curve passing through them. How do I calculate the middle control point (x1 and y1 as in quadTo)? I know linear algebra from college ...
Milieu asked 15/7, 2011 at 18:38



I have the following code to calculate points between four control points to generate a catmull-rom curve: CGPoint interpolatedPosition(CGPoint p0, CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2, CGPoint p3, float t) { ...
Downes asked 28/2, 2012 at 21:9



I want to create a rainbow circle, like the picture below: How can I draw the curved and multiple color stop gradient? Here's my current code: <svg width="500" height="500" xmlns="http://ww...
Lipocaic asked 13/8, 2013 at 10:12



I have set up Unity navigation meshes (four planes), navigation agent (sphere) and set up automatic and manual off mesh links. It should now jump between meshes. It does jump between meshes, but it...
Dwightdwindle asked 3/9, 2012 at 12:11



I have been using scipy.optimize.leastsq to fit some data. I would like to get some confidence intervals on these estimates so I look into the cov_x output but the documentation is very unclear as ...
Proteolysis asked 13/2, 2013 at 13:8


I have a function that has a vector in the numerator and the sum of the vector in the denominator. So each component is one component of the vector divided by a function that depends on the sum of ...
Purim asked 31/1, 2015 at 15:34



I have a pandas series, and this is the graph: I want to fill the area under the curve. The problem is that calling plt.fill(y) outputs: As seen in other answers, this is because we nee...
Malta asked 21/3, 2020 at 19:5



How can I curve a sheet (cube)? I'd like to control the angle of the bend/curve. e.g. cube([50,50,2]);
Needleful asked 9/1, 2019 at 17:49



I'd like to calculate a point on a quadratic curve. To use it with the canvas element of HTML5. When I use the quadraticCurveTo() function in JavaScript, I have a source point, a target point and ...
Matrix asked 12/4, 2011 at 11:31



I'm trying to draw a curve in canvas with a linear gradient stoke style along the curve, as in this image. On that page there is a linked svg file that gives instructions on how to accomplish the e...
Peavey asked 4/6, 2014 at 0:22



I am trying to generate a Catmull-Rom curve from a list of points in Unity. As I do not want to store points in between points of the curve I opted to use a solution that could calculate a position...



Consider this D3JS graph which uses a basis interpolation: In D3JS v3, I could use bundle interpolation (.interpolate("bundle").tension(0)) on areas to achieve this type of rendering instead: ...
Emlynne asked 26/5, 2018 at 12:4

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