I edited talkhabis answer (cubic curve) so the curve is displayed with the right coordinates. (Couldn't comment)
The Y-coordinates needed to be changed (-p[].y+150). (A new variable for that might be a nicer and more efficient solution, but you get the idea)
// Apply points to SVG and create the curve and controllers :
var path = document.getElementById('path'),
ctrl1 = document.getElementById('ctrl1'),
ctrl2 = document.getElementById('ctrl2'),
D = 'M ' + p0.x + ' ' + (-p0.y+150) +
'C ' + c0.x + ' ' + (-c0.y+150) +', ' + c1.x + ' ' + (-c1.y+150) + ', ' + p1.x + ' ' + (-p1.y+150);
// Lets test the "Bezier Function"
var t = 0, point = document.getElementById('point');
var p = Bezier(p0,c0,c1,p1,t);
t += 0.01;
if(t>=1) t=0;
// OK ... Now tring to get "y" on cruve based on mouse "x" :
var svg = document.getElementById('svg'),
point2 = document.getElementById('point2');
svg.onmousemove = function(e){
var x = (e.pageX - 50)/2,
y = (e.pageY - 50)/2;
// "-50" because of "50px margin" on the left side
// and "/2" because the svg width is 300 units and 600 px => 300 = 600/2
// Get the x,y by mouse x
var p = YBX(p0,c0,c1,p1,x);
I also created some C-Code to test the results for the cubic curve. Just enter the X and Y coordinates in the main function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void bezierCurve(int x[] , int y[])
double xu = 0.0 , yu = 0.0 , u = 0.0 ;
int i = 0 ;
for(u = 0.0 ; u <= 1.0 ; u += 0.05)
xu = pow(1-u,3)*x[0]+3*u*pow(1-u,2)*x[1]+3*pow(u,2)*(1-u)*x[2]
yu = pow(1-u,3)*y[0]+3*u*pow(1-u,2)*y[1]+3*pow(u,2)*(1-u)*y[2]
printf("X: %i Y: %i \n" , (int)xu , (int)yu) ;
int main(void) {
int x[] = {0,75,50,300};
int y[] = {0,2,140,100};
return 0;
3 P = [3 * P.x, 3 * p.y]
andP1 + P2 = [P1.x + P2.x, P1.y + P2.y]
. Finally, to square something, you multiply it with itself: x² =x * x
. The last part, "t ∈ [1,0]", means that t is supposed to be between 0 and 1. – Convalescent