I'm working on a simple sign-extender in Verilog for a processor I'm creating for Computer Architecture.
Here's what I've got so far: [EDIT: Changed the selection statement slightly]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module SignExtender( CLK, extend, extended );
input[7:0] extend;
input CLK;
output[15:0] extended;
reg[15:0] extended;
wire[7:0] extend;
while (CLK == 1)
extended[7:0] = extend[7:0];
extended[15:8] = {8{extend[7]}};
I added the while (CLK == 1) thinking that would solve my problem, which I believe is an infinite loop. When I try to test this in iSim, the circuit never initializes.
I also tried removing the copying syntax and just doing extended[8] = extend[7] etc. for [8]-[15], but the same result occurs, so I'm pretty sure that the innermost syntax is correct.
Here's the test file:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module SignExtender_testbench0;
// Inputs
reg [7:0] extend;
reg CLK;
// Outputs
wire [15:0] extended;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
SignExtender uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
extend = 0;
#100; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
extend = -30;
CLK = 1;
CLK = 0;
if (extended == -30)
$display("okay 1");
$display("fail 1");
extend = 40;
if (extended == 40)
$display("okay 2");
$display("fail 2");
Any ideas how I can do this successfully?
s andend
s... – Malherbe