I'm trying to read data from the .xlsx files using SharpZipLib to unpack it (in memory) and reading the inner xml files. Everything is fine but recognizing the dates - they're stored in julean format and I need to somehow recognize if a number is a date or only a number. In another topic (unfortunately it died and I need quick answer) I got to know some things from Mark Baker, but it's still not enough...
"Excel stores dates as a float value... the integer part being the number of days since 1/1/1900 (or 1/1/1904 depending on which calendar is being used), the fractional part being the proportion of a day (ie the time part)... made slightly more awkward by the fact that 1900 is considered a leap year.
The only thing that differentiates a data from a number is the number format mask. If you can read the format mask, you can use that to identify the value as a date rather than a number... then calculate the date value/formatting from the base date."
"But doesn't the attribute "s" for dates has always the value of "1"? I know it defines style, but maybe? ;)"
The s attribute references a style xf entry in styles.xml, and it won't always be entry 1 for dates... it all depends how many different styles are being used in the workbook. The style xf in turn references a number format mask. To identify a cell that contains a date, you need to perform the style xf -> numberformat lookup, then identify whether that numberformat mask is a date/time numberformat mask (rather than, for example, a percentage or an accounting numberformat mask)
"One more question - I'm now looking at the style.xml's content and in the section I see elements like: "<xf numFmtId="14" ... applyNumberFormat="1" />", "<xf numFmtId="1" ... applyNumberFormat="1" />", etc. but there is no <numFmts> section... Are there any "standard" formats? Or am I just missing something?"
Can someone please help me out? Thanks in advance.