I'm reading an .xlsx file using the Office Open XML SDK and am confused about reading Date/Time values. One of my spreadsheets has this markup (generated by Excel 2010)
<x:row r="2" spans="1:22" xmlns:x="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main">
<x:c r="A2" t="s">
<x:c r="B2" t="s">
<x:c r="J2" s="9">
Cell J2 has a date serial value in it and a style attribute s="9"
. However, the Office Open XML Specification says that 9 corresponds to a followed hyperlink. This is a screen shot from page 4,999 of ECMA-376, Second Edition, Part 1 - Fundamentals And Markup Language Reference.pdf.
The presetCellStyles.xml file included with the spec also refers to builtinId
9 as a followed hyperlink.
<followedHyperlink builtinId="9">
All of the styles in the spec are simply visual formatting styles, not number styles. Where are the number styles defined and how does one differentiate a style reference s="9"
from indicating a cell formatting (visual) style vs a number style?
Obviously I'm looking in the wrong place to match styles on cells with their number formats. Where's the right place to find this information?
list? Is the full list in the spec somewhere? Somewhere else? – Ose