Well there is quite good workaround for this.
Using OpenXML you can turn on "refresh data when opening the file" option in pivot table (right click on pivot table->PivotTable Options->Data tab).
This result in auto refresh pivot table when user first opens spreadsheet.
The code:
using (var document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(newFilePath, true))
var uriPartDictionary = BuildUriPartDictionary(document);
PivotTableCacheDefinitionPart pivotTableCacheDefinitionPart1 = (PivotTableCacheDefinitionPart)uriPartDictionary["/xl/pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition1.xml"];
PivotCacheDefinition pivotCacheDefinition1 = pivotTableCacheDefinitionPart1.PivotCacheDefinition;
pivotCacheDefinition1.RefreshOnLoad = true;
you need to determine "path" to yours pivotCacheDefinition - use OpenXML SDK 2.0 Productivity Tool to look for it.
BuildUriPartDictionary is a standard method generated by OpenXML SDK 2.0 Productivity Tool
protected Dictionary<String, OpenXmlPart> BuildUriPartDictionary(SpreadsheetDocument document)
var uriPartDictionary = new Dictionary<String, OpenXmlPart>();
var queue = new Queue<OpenXmlPartContainer>();
while (queue.Count > 0)
foreach (var part in queue.Dequeue().Parts.Where(part => !uriPartDictionary.Keys.Contains(part.OpenXmlPart.Uri.ToString())))
uriPartDictionary.Add(part.OpenXmlPart.Uri.ToString(), part.OpenXmlPart);
return uriPartDictionary;
Another solution is to convert your spreadsheet to macroenabled, embed there a VBA script that will refresh all pivot tables.
This can happen on button click or again when user opens spreadsheet.
Here you can find VBA code to refresh pivot tables: