Textures are flickering when camera is in motion
Asked Answered



Can anyone Help?
I have an issue for a racing game project. When my camera is in motion objects textures starts flickering.
ex… I have road and terrain surrounding it, when i start the race, its textures starts blinking or flickering.
I have heard about z fighting, but in this case i don’t think that’s the problem because i don’t have double side face for road, i didn’t need that.
I have tried changes for camera clipping plane, enable gpu instancing for shader, allowed hdr to camera, but none of these worked till yet.

Mou answered 31/8, 2023 at 11:18 Comment(0)

have a look for anti alising



Shader "FXAA" {
	Properties {
		_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}

		#include "UnityCG.cginc"

		sampler2D _MainTex;
		float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;

		float _ContrastThreshold, _RelativeThreshold;
		float _SubpixelBlending;

		struct VertexData {
			float4 vertex : POSITION;
			float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;

		struct Interpolators {
			float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
			float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;

		Interpolators VertexProgram (VertexData v) {
			Interpolators i;
			i.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
			i.uv = v.uv;
			return i;

		float4 Sample (float2 uv) {
			return tex2Dlod(_MainTex, float4(uv, 0, 0));

		float SampleLuminance (float2 uv) {
			#if defined(LUMINANCE_GREEN)
				return Sample(uv).g;
				return Sample(uv).a;

		float SampleLuminance (float2 uv, float uOffset, float vOffset) {
			uv += _MainTex_TexelSize * float2(uOffset, vOffset);
			return SampleLuminance(uv);

		struct LuminanceData {
			float m, n, e, s, w;
			float ne, nw, se, sw;
			float highest, lowest, contrast;

		LuminanceData SampleLuminanceNeighborhood (float2 uv) {
			LuminanceData l;
			l.m = SampleLuminance(uv);
			l.n = SampleLuminance(uv,  0,  1);
			l.e = SampleLuminance(uv,  1,  0);
			l.s = SampleLuminance(uv,  0, -1);
			l.w = SampleLuminance(uv, -1,  0);

			l.ne = SampleLuminance(uv,  1,  1);
			l.nw = SampleLuminance(uv, -1,  1);
			l.se = SampleLuminance(uv,  1, -1);
			l.sw = SampleLuminance(uv, -1, -1);

			l.highest = max(max(max(max(l.n, l.e), l.s), l.w), l.m);
			l.lowest = min(min(min(min(l.n, l.e), l.s), l.w), l.m);
			l.contrast = l.highest - l.lowest;
			return l;

		bool ShouldSkipPixel (LuminanceData l) {
			float threshold =
				max(_ContrastThreshold, _RelativeThreshold * l.highest);
			return l.contrast < threshold;

		float DeterminePixelBlendFactor (LuminanceData l) {
			float filter = 2 * (l.n + l.e + l.s + l.w);
			filter += l.ne + l.nw + l.se + l.sw;
			filter *= 1.0 / 12;
			filter = abs(filter - l.m);
			filter = saturate(filter / l.contrast);

			float blendFactor = smoothstep(0, 1, filter);
			return blendFactor * blendFactor * _SubpixelBlending;

		struct EdgeData {
			bool isHorizontal;
			float pixelStep;
			float oppositeLuminance, gradient;

		EdgeData DetermineEdge (LuminanceData l) {
			EdgeData e;
			float horizontal =
				abs(l.n + l.s - 2 * l.m) * 2 +
				abs(l.ne + l.se - 2 * l.e) +
				abs(l.nw + l.sw - 2 * l.w);
			float vertical =
				abs(l.e + l.w - 2 * l.m) * 2 +
				abs(l.ne + l.nw - 2 * l.n) +
				abs(l.se + l.sw - 2 * l.s);
			e.isHorizontal = horizontal >= vertical;

			float pLuminance = e.isHorizontal ? l.n : l.e;
			float nLuminance = e.isHorizontal ? l.s : l.w;
			float pGradient = abs(pLuminance - l.m);
			float nGradient = abs(nLuminance - l.m);

			e.pixelStep =
				e.isHorizontal ? _MainTex_TexelSize.y : _MainTex_TexelSize.x;
			if (pGradient < nGradient) {
				e.pixelStep = -e.pixelStep;
				e.oppositeLuminance = nLuminance;
				e.gradient = nGradient;
			else {
				e.oppositeLuminance = pLuminance;
				e.gradient = pGradient;

			return e;

		#if defined(LOW_QUALITY)
			#define EDGE_STEP_COUNT 4
			#define EDGE_STEPS 1, 1.5, 2, 4
			#define EDGE_GUESS 12
			#define EDGE_STEP_COUNT 10
			#define EDGE_STEPS 1, 1.5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4
			#define EDGE_GUESS 8

		static const float edgeSteps[EDGE_STEP_COUNT] = { EDGE_STEPS };

		float DetermineEdgeBlendFactor (LuminanceData l, EdgeData e, float2 uv) {
			float2 uvEdge = uv;
			float2 edgeStep;
			if (e.isHorizontal) {
				uvEdge.y += e.pixelStep * 0.5;
				edgeStep = float2(_MainTex_TexelSize.x, 0);
			else {
				uvEdge.x += e.pixelStep * 0.5;
				edgeStep = float2(0, _MainTex_TexelSize.y);

			float edgeLuminance = (l.m + e.oppositeLuminance) * 0.5;
			float gradientThreshold = e.gradient * 0.25;

			float2 puv = uvEdge + edgeStep * edgeSteps[0];
			float pLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance(puv) - edgeLuminance;
			bool pAtEnd = abs(pLuminanceDelta) >= gradientThreshold;

			for (int i = 1; i < EDGE_STEP_COUNT && !pAtEnd; i++) {
				puv += edgeStep * edgeSteps*;*
  •  		pLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance(puv) - edgeLuminance;*
  •  		pAtEnd = abs(pLuminanceDelta) >= gradientThreshold;*
  •  	}*
  •  	if (!pAtEnd) {*

puv += edgeStep * EDGE_GUESS;

  •  	}*

_ float2 nuv = uvEdge - edgeStep * edgeSteps[0];_

  •  	float nLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance(nuv) - edgeLuminance;*
  •  	bool nAtEnd = abs(nLuminanceDelta) >= gradientThreshold;*
  •  	for (int i = 1; i < EDGE_STEP_COUNT && !nAtEnd; i++) {*

_ nuv -= edgeStep * edgeSteps*;_
nLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance(nuv) - edgeLuminance;_
nAtEnd = abs(nLuminanceDelta) >= gradientThreshold;_
if (!nAtEnd) {_
nuv -= edgeStep * EDGE_GUESS;

* float pDistance, nDistance;*
* if (e.isHorizontal) {*
* pDistance = puv.x - uv.x;*
* nDistance = uv.x - nuv.x;*
* }*
* else {*
* pDistance = puv.y - uv.y;*
* nDistance = uv.y - nuv.y;*
* }*

* float shortestDistance;*
* bool deltaSign;*
* if (pDistance <= nDistance) {*
* shortestDistance = pDistance;*
* deltaSign = pLuminanceDelta >= 0;*
* }*
* else {*
* shortestDistance = nDistance;*
* deltaSign = nLuminanceDelta >= 0;*
* }*

* if (deltaSign == (l.m - edgeLuminance >= 0)) {*
* return 0;*
* }*
* return 0.5 - shortestDistance / (pDistance + nDistance);*
* }*

* float4 ApplyFXAA (float2 uv) {*
* LuminanceData l = SampleLuminanceNeighborhood(uv);*
* if (ShouldSkipPixel(l)) {*
* return Sample(uv);*
* }*

* float pixelBlend = DeterminePixelBlendFactor(l);*
* EdgeData e = DetermineEdge(l);*
* float edgeBlend = DetermineEdgeBlendFactor(l, e, uv);*
* float finalBlend = max(pixelBlend, edgeBlend);*

* if (e.isHorizontal) {*
_ uv.y += e.pixelStep * finalBlend;
* }*
* else {*
uv.x += e.pixelStep * finalBlend;_

* }*
* return float4(Sample(uv).rgb, l.m);*
* }*

* SubShader {*
* Cull Off*
* ZTest Always*
* ZWrite Off*

* Pass { // 0 luminancePass*
* #pragma vertex VertexProgram*
* #pragma fragment FragmentProgram*

* #pragma multi_compile _ GAMMA_BLENDING*

* float4 FragmentProgram (Interpolators i) : SV_Target {
float4 sample = tex2D(MainTex, i.uv);
sample.rgb = saturate(sample.rgb);*

* sample.a = LinearRgbToLuminance(sample.rgb);*
* #if defined(GAMMA_BLENDING)
sample.rgb = LinearToGammaSpace(sample.rgb);_
* return sample;*
* }*
* }*

* Pass { // 1 fxaaPass*
* #pragma vertex VertexProgram*
* #pragma fragment FragmentProgram*

* #pragma multi_compile _ LUMINANCE_GREEN*
* #pragma multi_compile _ LOW_QUALITY*
* #pragma multi_compile _ GAMMA_BLENDING*

* float4 FragmentProgram (Interpolators i) : SV_Target {
float4 sample = ApplyFXAA(i.uv);_
#if defined(GAMMA_BLENDING)
sample.rgb = GammaToLinearSpace(sample.rgb);_
* return sample;*
* }*
* }*
* }*
FXAA Script
using UnityEngine;
using System;
[ExecuteInEditMode, ImageEffectAllowedInSceneView]
public class FXAAEffect : MonoBehaviour {
* const int luminancePass = 0;*
* const int fxaaPass = 1;*
* public enum LuminanceMode { Alpha, Green, Calculate }*
* public LuminanceMode luminanceSource;*
* [Range(0.0312f, 0.0833f)]*
* public float contrastThreshold = 0.0312f;*
* [Range(0.063f, 0.333f)]*
* public float relativeThreshold = 0.063f;*
* [Range(0f, 1f)]*
* public float subpixelBlending = 1f;*
* public Shader fxaaShader;*
* public bool lowQuality;*
* public bool gammaBlending;*
* [NonSerialized]*
* Material fxaaMaterial;*
* void OnRenderImage (RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) {*
* if (fxaaMaterial == null) {*

* fxaaMaterial = new Material(fxaaShader);*
* fxaaMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;*
* }*
* fxaaMaterial.SetFloat("ContrastThreshold", contrastThreshold);
fxaaMaterial.SetFloat("RelativeThreshold", relativeThreshold);
fxaaMaterial.SetFloat("SubpixelBlending", subpixelBlending);
if (lowQuality) {*

* fxaaMaterial.EnableKeyword(“LOW_QUALITY”);

* else {*
* fxaaMaterial.DisableKeyword(“LOW_QUALITY”);

* if (gammaBlending) {*
* fxaaMaterial.EnableKeyword(“GAMMA_BLENDING”);
else {_
if (luminanceSource == LuminanceMode.Calculate) {_
RenderTexture luminanceTex = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(_
source.width, source.height, 0, source.format*_
* );*
* Graphics.Blit(source, luminanceTex, fxaaMaterial, luminancePass);*
* Graphics.Blit(luminanceTex, destination, fxaaMaterial, fxaaPass);*
* RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(luminanceTex);*
* }*
* else {*
* if (luminanceSource == LuminanceMode.Green) {*
* fxaaMaterial.EnableKeyword(“LUMINANCE_GREEN”);
else {_
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, fxaaMaterial, fxaaPass);_

Chassis answered 1/4, 2019 at 7:26 Comment(5)

How to do so? Can you guide me?


Okay I did that and temporal Anti aliasing(TAA) worked well but it almost doubled the tris of my scene, i working on android mobile game so cant afford that much load. Anything else you can suggest? And of course a big thanks for your response.


Actually i am not working with terrain and there is no wind particles i have added. Without post processing effects, tris were under control but after adding it tris just got doubled. I think i need any mobile optimized pps for anti aliasing.


Yes anti aliasing is 2x but the post process effect is making my game so much lower as tris increases...without it the game is much smoother


Thanks for your help, I tested the build on my mobile device but it is giving me so low fps around 4-5 fps and without temporal anti aliasing i am getting around 50-55 fps. Don't know how to deal with it.


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