This is my current render method on my level in my Libgdx game. I am trying to draw a BitmapFont on my level's top right corner but all I'm getting is a bunch of white boxes.
public void render(
float delta ) { | GL10.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
//myScore.getCurrent() returns a String with the current Score
font.draw(this.getBatch(), "Score: 0" + myScore.getCurrent(), 600, 500);
I would like to add the score font into some kind of an actor and then do a scene.addActor(myScore) but I don't know how to do that. I followed Steigert's tutorial to create the main game class that instantiates the scene, font, in the AbstractLevel class that is then extended by this level.
So far, I'm not using any custom font, just the empty new BitmapFont(); to use to default Arial font. Later I would like to use my own more fancy font.