use-effect Questions



I am trying to use useEffect and useRef() to get the latest value of my counter as well as compare to the previous value so that I know if I need to call the addValues or removeValues function. I f...
Quittance asked 12/7, 2022 at 16:47


I thought useEffect is called once only after render, but it's being executed multiple times and not in the order I expected. I expected it to msg 'data loading' while the fetch is in progress and ...
Bacteria asked 29/6, 2020 at 4:6


I am trying to use useEffect() in my react hook to update the state when my props change. but there is a delay and the useEffect is only firing after I click again on an element in my hook. Im fair...
Caravel asked 4/9, 2019 at 12:46



Is it good practice to use IIFE in useEffect or I should declare async function and then call it? useEffect(() => { (async () => { const response = await fetch( "https://jsonplacehol...
Remorseful asked 15/3, 2022 at 10:16


I know the conventional way when using hooks is to fetch the data using the useEffect hook. But why can't I just call axios in the functional component instead of a hook and then set the data. Bas...
Undertow asked 27/5, 2020 at 19:6



This is a component that render data from firebase storage and make it listed. What the function has to do is set the videos extracted from firebase storage to the useState. That way I can call vid...
Microscopy asked 12/4, 2022 at 18:54



So I have the following situation when using a useEffect that calls a functions that depends on state. Example: // INSIDE APP COMPONENT const [someState, setSomeState] = React.useState(0); const...
Communalize asked 2/7, 2019 at 10:16



Like the title says, the localStorage I set registers the changes made to the todoList array and JSON.stringifys it; however, whenever I refresh the page the array returns to the default [] state. ...
Hedvig asked 12/5, 2022 at 22:34


I started learning to react and came across the code snippet where the function was passed as a dependency array in useEffect. I want to know the use case where such function is being passed as the...
Rosales asked 10/4, 2022 at 7:59



Re-posting a similar question to my last because of a new issue. I'm trying to use context with hooks to manage authentication in my react app. I'm getting the error TypeError: Cannot destructure p...
Sheepherder asked 14/6, 2020 at 22:8



Why is an infinite loop created when I pass a function expression into the useEffect dependency array? The function expression does not alter the component state, it only references it. // componen...
Mossman asked 26/6, 2020 at 19:21


When I upgraded nextjs application from 9 to 12. There were some errors shown, that were not being taken take care of in previous version. One of them was: typeError: destroy is not a function In t...
Horntail asked 19/5, 2022 at 14:30



I am attempting to pass an object through props to a child component. The value is set in the useEffect hook and lost when passed to my child component. I have tried setting the value of the obje...
Curtice asked 15/5, 2019 at 18:53



The useEffect React hook will run the passed-in function on every change. This can be optimized to let it call only when the desired properties change. What if I want to call an initialization func...
Filtrate asked 2/11, 2018 at 14:58



I gather that the useEffect Hook is run after every render, if provided with an empty dependency array: useEffect(() => { performSideEffect(); }, []); But what's the difference between that,...
Teammate asked 27/10, 2019 at 12:28



I am new to React hooks and I am not sure how to achieve following goal. Let's say I have state1 and state2, and I use useEffect hook to call asyncFn1 and update state1. Now I want to wait for stat...
Berardo asked 25/4, 2021 at 7:1


I am trying to test App.jsx import getUserInfo from './services/user'; const App = () => { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true); const [user, setUser] = useState({ firstName: 'F...
Monsour asked 1/11, 2021 at 21:7


If I return a function from useEffect I can be sure that that function will run when a component unmounts. But React seems to wipe the local state before it calls my unmounting function. Consider t...


I am using ant design on my project. I get data from redux store with useEffect like this; const settingsRedux = useSelector(state => state.SETTINGS) after that I use this data for defaultVal...
Alltime asked 16/4, 2020 at 6:53



I'm fetching data from a weather api using useEffect hook and declaring the dependency correctly as well. My state is still not being updated and I get errors in my render function because of that....
Ringnecked asked 30/7, 2019 at 2:22



How are you. This is scenario of this issue. Let's say there are 2 screens to make it simple. enter A screen. useEffect of A screen called. navigate to B screen from A screen navigate back to A s...
Shaped asked 12/2, 2020 at 7:12


I am using react-native-testing-library to test my react-native component. I have a component (for the purpose of this post, it has been over simplified): export const ComponentUnderTest = () =&gt...
Schizogony asked 1/12, 2019 at 23:57



With regular React it's possible to have something like this: class NoteEditor extends React.PureComponent { constructor() { super(); this.state = { noteId: 123, }; } componentWillUnmoun...
Beanstalk asked 28/2, 2020 at 17:39



For example, if I have components A and B, and component B is the child of component A: <A> <B /> </A> Inside A we have: useEffect(() => { console.log('Parent A useEffect...
Frei asked 12/10, 2019 at 8:40



I've been learning React and I read that the function returned from useEffect is meant to do cleanup and React performs the cleanup when the component unmounts. So I experimented with it a bit but...
Muscadel asked 13/7, 2019 at 21:46

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