redis-cli Questions



I am on an dead end with redis cache. I want to set an TTL on the initiation of a key. The key will be set by hSet($hash, $key, $data) expire($key, '3600') does not seem to work. Is there an hEx...
Wandering asked 27/4, 2018 at 15:2



I am trying to delete a bunch of keys matching a prefix using redis-cli. I have been researching how to do this online and the most common suggestion I have seen is to do it straight from the comm...
Cultivated asked 1/3, 2018 at 17:41


I've written redis-cli bash script to process all key and value for bulk retrieval but values are not printing as expected. When I give my key in redis-cli its printing with all special characters:...
Tartar asked 29/10, 2017 at 4:41



I am using Redis hash set to store data in the following format: hset b1.b2.b3 name test Now I want to delete this key so I am using the following format: del b1.b2.* But it not working so how I ...
Psychotic asked 31/1, 2021 at 19:32


I have installed Redis in centos and I have multiple keys of redis like this, Product:<id>:<url> How can I delete all Product:*:* with CLI ? Redis version : 3.2.4 [ Latest I guess ]...
Catchword asked 18/11, 2016 at 13:12



We have installed the redis client. When we type the following command inside C:\Program Files\Redis\redis-cli.exe: redis-cli -h -p 6390 ping It throws the following er...
Stinkstone asked 8/5, 2017 at 16:41



I am connecting to an AWS redis cluster using following command redis-cli -c -h -p 6379 I pushed two key "X1" and "X2" into redis cache from a springboot app...
Maxwell asked 31/8, 2022 at 13:46


I had redis installed without password. Then I tried to put password without success and decided to delete all related to redis from my server. After that, I've installed redis once again and set a...
Hutcherson asked 11/1, 2015 at 14:38



How to delete keys matching a certain pattern in redis using redis-cli. I would like to delete all foo's from the following list. KEYS * foo:1 foo:2 bar:1 foo:3 bar:2 foo:4
Adiell asked 18/2, 2015 at 3:38



Is there a Redis command for fetching all keys in the database? I have seen some python-redis libraries fetching them. But was wondering if it is possible from redis-client.
Zennie asked 9/3, 2011 at 21:0


Using redis-cli I connected to specific server: redis-cli -h 10.1.xx.xx And select 1 Then just to get list of one key features: KEYS data_column* THis will print list of that column values on ...
Bilge asked 2/11, 2015 at 15:40


I'm have hashes in redis cache like: Hash Key Value hashme:1 Hello World hashme:2 Here Iam myhash:1 Next One My goal is to get the Hashes as output in the CLI like: hashme myhash If there's n...
Behr asked 14/12, 2016 at 7:10



I am trying to delete multiple keys from my remote Redis db using the following command. redis-cli -h <host> -p 6379 KEYS "myprefix:*" | xargs redis-cli -h <host> -p 6379 DEL It has ...
Honorary asked 12/6, 2018 at 11:50



I have a box that has a lot of redis stuff going on. I converted my code from writing to a channel to doing a lpush. To see how my output I used redis-cli's monitor command. Is there a way to filte...
Disoperation asked 25/8, 2020 at 17:59


I'm trying to delete all keys/values in an AWS ElastiCache cluster, but when I'm executing flushall or flushdb from redis-cli, it only removes the values in the node I'm currently connected to. I ...
Cerebellum asked 4/10, 2018 at 11:57


I started Redis cluster on PC1, then connected it on PC2. When needed to redirect to another cluster node, it shows Redirected to slot [7785] located at, but should show Redirected to slo...
Tripp asked 20/5, 2016 at 8:25



In redis-cli, what is the command to print all the values in a list without knowing in advance the size of the list? I see lrange, but it requires naming the start index and the end index.
Hildehildebrand asked 29/12, 2013 at 20:33



When trying to create a cluster with redis-cli as follows redis-cli --cluster create a prompt comes up asking for configuration confirmation? Is there a way to script this (preferably in ansibl...
Excellent asked 17/3, 2019 at 10:54


I have 1 VPC - under that 1 EC2 instance ( amazon ami ) and 1 Redis (cluster mode enabled) Cluster with Auth ( password) and with Security Group Open to all IP:Port ( only for testing sake ) - so v...
Gamut asked 19/3, 2019 at 0:8



Can I duplicate a key using the redis-cli connected, is there any command predefined in redis or not? Duplicate FSS_SYSAGENT to FSS_SYSAGENTDuplicate.> hgetall FSS_SYSAGENT 1)...
Ortega asked 26/11, 2018 at 10:51



I want to store data into redis from pandas through a cron job every 15 minute and below is my code:- I am taking data into pandas every 15 minutes with below code and sending it to the redis dict...
Sanhedrin asked 9/10, 2018 at 3:33



I am used to psql which I can use by feeding it the connection string without having to break it in different arguments, that is, psql postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:&lt...
Robinett asked 8/7, 2016 at 16:15



I have a script: #!/usr/bin/env bash val=$(cat ../my-microservice/conf/config.json) echo "set my-microservice-config ${val}" | redis-cli where the config.json: { "key" : "value" } ...
Cornwell asked 18/11, 2017 at 16:30



I want get value by redis-cli keys This is work redis-cli keys number_* | xargs redis-cli del But this is not work redis-cli keys number_* | xargs redis-cli get
Fallonfallout asked 29/6, 2017 at 13:35


I was given a Redis server that is set up remotely. I can access data in that and I can do CRUD operation with that server. But I want the replica of the same database in my local. I have Redis de...
Myers asked 20/6, 2017 at 6:36

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