I was given a Redis server that is set up remotely. I can access data in that and I can do CRUD operation with that server. But I want the replica of the same database in my local.
I have Redis desktop manager setup in my local. And also redis-server setup running.
Things I have tried:
using SAVE command.
I have connected to the remote server and executed save command. It ran successfully and created
file on that server. But I can't access that file as I don't have permission for server FTP.using BGSAVE
same scenario here also
using redis-cli command
redis-cli -h server ip -p 6379 save > \\local ip\dump.rdb
Here I got an error The network name cannot be found.
Can anyone please suggest me on how can I copy the .rdb
file from the server to local?
redis-cli -h server --rdb dump.rdb
to have it save locally. – Punctualredis-cli -h server --rdb dump.rdb
worked actually. It has saved db in local. But when i restarted db it is throwing this error : imgur.com/a/MHbS4 Any idea what is this about? – Myers