tl;dr, gist:
Boilerplate constraints
First, if the question is about avoiding repetitive code, this is mostly addressed by generics alone, without QuantifiedConstraints
. The constraint (Show (HKD f Int), Show (HKD f Bool))
can be computed from the generic representation Rep (Result f)
. The generic-data package (disclaimer: that I wrote) implements this:
data Result f = MkResult (HKD f Int) (HKD f Bool)
deriving Generic
-- GShow0 and gshowsPrec from Generic.Data
instance GShow0 (Rep (Result f)) => Show (Result f) where
showsPrec = gshowsPrec
or with DerivingVia
-- Generically and GShow0 from Generic.Data
deriving via Generically (Result f) instance GShow0 (Rep (Result f)) => Show (Result f)
Quantified constraints with type families
Nevertheless, the constraint (Show (HKD f Int), Show (HKD f Bool))
may be less than ideal for various reasons. The QuantifiedConstraints
extension may seem to provide a more natural constraint forall x. Show (HKD f x)
it would entail the tuple (Show (HKD f Int), Show (HKD f Bool))
contrary to that tuple, it does not blow up in size when the record gets big, and does not leak the field types of Result
as they may be subject to change.
Unfortunately, that constraint is actually not well-formed. The following GHC issue discusses the problem in detail: I don't understand all of the reasons yet, but in brief:
Quantified constraints won't work directly with type families for the foreseeable future, for reasons both theoretical and practical;
But there is a workaround for most use cases.
A quantified constraint should be viewed as a sort of "local instance
". The general rule then is that type families are not allowed in the head of any instance ("instance head" = the HEAD
in the following instance ... => HEAD where
). So forall a. Show (HKD f a)
(viewed as a "local" instance Show (HKD f a)
) is illegal.
Quantified constraint smuggler
The following solution is credited to Icelandjack (Source: this comment from the ticket linked earlier; thanks also to Ryan Scott for relaying it.)
We can define another class that's equivalent to Show (HKD f a)
class Show (HKD f a) => ShowHKD f a
instance Show (HKD f a) => ShowHKD f a
Now forall x. ShowHKD f x
is a legal constraint that morally expresses the intended forall x. Show (HKD f x)
. But it's not at all obvious how to use it. For example, the following snippet fails to type check (note: we can easily ignore the ambiguity issues):
showHKD :: forall f. (forall x. ShowHKD f x) => HKD f Int -> String
showHKD = show
-- Error:
-- Could not deduce (Show (HKD f Int)) from the context (forall x. ShowHKD f x)
This is counterintuitive, because ShowHKD f x
is equivalent to Show (HKD f x)
which can of course be instantiated with Show (HKD f Int)
. So why is that rejected? The constraint solver reasons backwards: the use of show
first requires a constraint Show (HKD f Int)
, but the solver is immediately stuck. It sees forall x. ShowHKD f x
in the context, but there is no clue for the solver to know that it should instantiate x
to Int
. You should imagine that at this point, the constraint solver has no idea of any relationship between Show
and ShowHKD
. It just wants a Show
constraint, and there is none in the context.
We can help the constraint solver as follows, by annotating the body of the function with the needed instantiation(s) of ShowHKD f x
, here ShowHKD f Int
showHKD :: forall f. (forall x. ShowHKD f x) => HKD f Int -> String
showHKD = show :: ShowHKD f Int => HKD f Int -> String
This annotation provides the constraint ShowHKD f Int
to the body show
, which in turn makes the superclass available Show (HKD f Int)
so show
can be immediately satisfied. On the other side, the annotation requires the constraint ShowHKD f Int
from its context, which provides forall x. ShowHKD f x
. Those constraints match, and that leads the constraint solver to instantiate x
Deriving Show with quantified constraints
With this, we can implement Show
with a quantified constraint, using generics to fill out the body, and with some annotations to instantiate the quantified constraint,
(ShowHKD f Int, ShowHKD f Bool)
instance (forall a. Show a => ShowHKD f a) => Show (Result f) where
showsPrec = gshowsPrec :: (ShowHKD f Int, ShowHKD f Bool) => Int -> Result f -> ShowS
As before, those constraints can be automated with generics, so the only thing that changes in this implementation from one type to another is the name Result
instance (forall a. Show a => ShowHKD f a) => Show (Result f) where
showsPrec = gshowsPrec :: ShowHKDFields f (Rep (Result HKDTag)) => Int -> Result f -> ShowS
-- New definitions: ShowHKDFields and HKDTag; see gist at the end.
And with a bit more effort, we can have DerivingVia
deriving via GenericallyHKD Result f instance (forall a. Show a => ShowHKD f a) => Show (Result f)
-- New definition: GenericallyHKD; see gist.
Full gist:
(forall a. Show a => Show (HKD f a))
was disallowed whenHKD
is not a constructor, but I was wrong. Note that if we assume that quantified constraint, to resolve e.g.HKD f b
we can't simply checkShow b
. Indeed if that fails, we can't report failure since it is possible thatHKD f b = HKD f c
holds (because of non-injectivity), andShow c
is true. So, committing toa=b
does not lead to a complete resolution method. – Counterworkinstance C a => C (HKD f a) where
is rejected by GHC, so I don't understand why the quantified constraint(forall a. C a => C (HKD f a))
is accepted. How can we provide that constraint later on? – CounterworkHKD
trick is a Bad Idea™ because it makes the easy things easier and the hard things harder. – Ables