Pre-rendering on the server side means the conversion of your react codes into a minimal HTML representation of your UI, it doesn't mean your component is mounting(i.e. elements are created and inserted into the DOM) or updating after initial mounting/rendering. Pre-rendering is specific to NextJS as in Server Side Rendering/Static Page Generation. useEffect
runs at least once after the initial render and here render means either the mount or the update after the initial mount of the component whereas the server doesn't mount obviously and hence useEffect
doesn't run on the server.
As for hydration, it is simply the process whereby the pre-rendered/static page is converted into a dynamic/interactive page when loaded by browser as it runs client side javascripts like attachment of event listeners for instance.
never runs on the server. Even if your page is pre-rendered, whatever code you include in auseEffect
hook will not be part of the server response. – Intumescence