I'm trying to pass editTodo as props function from parent app.vue to child components ... TodoItem.vue component there is a list Of Items and Time returns to main user input of newTodo and dateTime field. Actually, I'm a new learner of Vue js there is a little knowledge of pass props b/w the components communication.
<div id="app" class="container">
<TodoInput :addTodo="addTodo"
<todo-item v-for="(todo, index) in todos"
:index =index
:editTodo="editTodo" />
import TodoInput from "./components/TodoInput.vue";
import TodoItem from "./components/TodoItem.vue";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
data() {
return {
todos: [
// {
// id: 1,
// title: "",
// date: new Date(),
// editing: false,
// completed: false,
// },
// {
// id: 1,
// title: "",
// date: new Date(),
// editing: false,
// completed: false,
// },
methods: {
editTodo(index, newTodo, dateTime){
, ' dateTime ', dateTime)
// this.editItems = {
// id,
// title,
// time,
// }
this.todo = newTodo
this.todo = dateTime
this.selectedIndex = index
this.editing = true
TodoItem.vue component there is a list Of Items and Time returns to main user input of newTodo and dateTime field.***enter code here
--> {{todo.title}} {{todo.time}}</div> <div class="remove-item" @click="removeTodo(index)"> × </div> <div class="edit-item" @click="eiditTodo(index)" > <i class="fas fa-edit" id="edit"></i> </div>
export default { name: 'todo-item', props:{ todo:{ type: Object, required: true, }, removeTodo:{ type:Function, required:true, }, index:{ type:Number, required: true, },
'id': this.todo.id,
'title': this.todo.newTodo,
'time': this.todo.dateTime,
this.$emit('editTodo', this.selectedIndex)