vuejs2 Questions



I am using vue-multiselect component in my vue.js project, I am using v-on directive to execute a function on the change event , <multiselect v-model="selected" :options="projects" :searchable=...
Salvatoresalvay asked 30/3, 2018 at 3:58


I'm creating a form using vue.js and I need to create inputs in vue that is always capitalized. I know I could use the css property text-transform: uppercase; and then transform the data before ...
Bossuet asked 7/2, 2019 at 16:44


My use case is as follows: The default value of the prop rows-per-page-items for v-data-table is [5,10,25,{"text":"$vuetify.dataIterator.rowsPerPageAll","value":-1}] API doc I want to ovveride t...
Purulent asked 8/1, 2019 at 16:31


I have the following tsconfig configuration: { "include": ["tests/**/*.ts"], "exclude": [], "compilerOptions": { "composite": true, "lib&...
Thruway asked 17/8, 2022 at 16:56


I am trying to run a vue-cli project using https. As per the instructions here How to run Vue.js dev serve with https? I've added the https setting to the vue.config.js as per below: module.exports...
Wiggler asked 1/5, 2019 at 13:51


I have js file called script.js in assets/js. Tried to include in nuxt.config.js like below: head: { title:, meta: [ { charset: 'utf-8' }, { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-w...
Turtleback asked 25/9, 2018 at 10:7



I'm working with v-data-tables of Vuetify and.... I want to change this text: I have added this code but it isn't working: Thanks!
Elizabetelizabeth asked 8/6, 2020 at 10:19


How can I call a function when the language/locale changes while using i18n? Should I use Vuex or does vue-i18n has a method that allows me to do that?
Nolannolana asked 17/4, 2021 at 17:52


In vue2 js, I want to use a checkbox with a v-model. <input type="checkbox" value="test" :checked="selected"/> I want the value of the checkbox to be test, howe...
Anthropology asked 18/11, 2018 at 23:16



Hopefully this is a rather simple question / answer, but I can't find much info in the docs. Is there a way to enable or disable the anchor generated by <router-link> dependent on whether a ...
Theocracy asked 29/6, 2017 at 15:56



When my form is submitted I wish to get an input value: <input type="text" id="name"> I know I can use form input bindings to update the values to a variable, but how can I just do this on...
Rettarettig asked 9/3, 2017 at 11:40


I am using the "Vue Stripe Checkout 3" component, and when I try to implement it, I get the following error " Invalid value for Stripe (): apiKey should be a string. You specified: u...
Sustainer asked 23/7, 2020 at 16:53



Assuming there's some <Form> component. It can be called with a @cancel event listener attached to it and if it's the case, I want to show the cancel button that triggers this event. If there...
Fresher asked 12/10, 2017 at 10:0



I'm new to VueJS and confused about the warning from nuxt: 'state' should be a method that returns an object in store/store.js So, my store.js contains the following (yes im trying the tutoria...
Eliathan asked 25/9, 2019 at 7:58



Is it possible to use the built in Laravel Nova confirm dialogue in your own tool? All I would like to use is interact with it how Nova does itself. The docs are quite light on the JS topic, as th...
Amimia asked 22/2, 2019 at 9:32


Short version: I'm generating a string with HTML in a component's method, and I can't figure out how to style that HTML with scoped CSS, because it's missing the data attribute for scoping. Sligh...
Balk asked 27/3, 2017 at 17:0



I'm new to vuetify.js and started playing around with it. This is my code. Admin-panel.vue <v-content class="yellow"> <v-container> <v-layout> <router-view></rout...
Smilax asked 26/6, 2018 at 8:16



Vuetify autocomplete by default have custom "up" and "down" arrow icons: How can be changed this icon to search icon in other events (active or inactive) and get this view: This example crea...
Trochophore asked 28/6, 2019 at 4:56



I've tried all of the solutions out there but none seem to work for me. I just want to store some values in a .env file within my Vue app but simply trying to log process.env returns an empty objec...



I want to access a props value in another props' validator: props: { type: { type: String, default: "standard" }, size: { type: String, default: "normal", validator(value) { // below I wa...
Diphosgene asked 5/7, 2019 at 13:47


I am trying to make my app app connect to pusher on a private channel. But I am getting the following error: pusher.js?b3eb:593 POST http://localhost:8000/broadcasting/auth 404 (Not Found) W...
Headmistress asked 17/1, 2017 at 18:29



<script lang="ts"> import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator' import { CustomerContext, getCustomerRepository } from '@/composables/customerRepository' @Component expo...
Lothians asked 24/11, 2020 at 8:52



I am using computed to check when some information has changed. When i click and computed is run, i can see both the new value in my data and the old value assigned to the computed function. This ...
Outbreed asked 21/2, 2020 at 5:49


I started using vue dev-tools in my application but it is not visible when in developer mode in Chrome. I tried various solutions found on the dev-tools github page and in other places on the web, ...
Marquesan asked 6/1, 2017 at 11:53


I'm trying to import firebase in a Vue 2 app, but I'm running into this annoying issue. My imports look like: import firebase from 'firebase/app' import 'firebase/auth' import 'firebase/firestore' ...
Kneepad asked 25/8, 2021 at 20:40

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