I am trying to create a graph using dot
. The graph I have come up till now is given below and code is also given.
digraph top {
node [shape=record ,penwidth = 2,fontsize=25];
graph [labeljust=l]
subgraph cluster_1 {
label = "Box 1";
subgraph cluster_2 {
label = "Box 2";
subgraph cluster_3 {
label = "Box 3";
subgraph cluster_4 {
label = "Box 4";
subgraph cluster_7 {
label = "Box 5";
subgraph cluster8 {
label = "Box 6";
subgraph cluster9 {
label = "Box 7";
subgraph cluster10 {
label = "Box 8";
l4 [label = "{ Label : X \l| \
Label : 2014-12-05 \l| \
Label : 2015-01-04 \l| \
Label : true \l} \
subgraph cluster11 {
label = "Box 9";
l5 [label = "{ Label : X \l| \
Label : 2015-03-06 \l| \
Label : 2015-01-04 \l| \
Label : true \l} \
subgraph cluster12 {
label = "Box 10";
l6 [label = "{ Label : X \l| \
Label : 2015-07-03 \l| \
Label : 2015-08-31 \l| \
Label : true \l} \
subgraph cluster13 {
label = "Box 11";
subgraph cluster {
label = "Box 12";
"Label : 2 days"
subgraph cluster14 {
label = "Box 13";
subgraph cluster15 {
label = "Box 14";
subgraph cluster16 {
label = "Box 15";
subgraph cluster17 {
label = "if";
subgraph cluster18 {
label = "and";
subgraph cluster19 {
label = "Box 16";
subgraph cluster20 {
label = "Box 17";
l7 [label = "{ Label : A \l| \
Label : B \l| \
Label : C \l| \
Label : D \l} \
subgraph cluster21 {
label = "Box 18";
subgraph cluster {
label = "Box 19";
"Label : T"
subgraph cluster29 {
label = "then";
"Label : O"
subgraph cluster22 {
label = "Box 19";
subgraph cluster30 {
label = "Box 20";
subgraph cluster31 {
label = "if";
subgraph cluster32 {
label = "and";
subgraph cluster33 {
label = "Box 21";
subgraph cluster34 {
label = "Box 22";
l8 [label = "{ Label : A \l| \
Label : B \l| \
Label : C \l| \
Label : D \l} \
subgraph cluster35 {
label = "Box 23";
subgraph cluster {
label = "Box 24";
"Label : T"
subgraph cluster36 {
label = "then";
"Label : C"
subgraph cluster_5 {
label = "Box 24"
subgraph cluster_6 {
label = "Box 25";
subgraph cluster_8 {
label = "Box 26";
subgraph cluster {
label = "Box 27";
"Label : 200"
subgraph cluster {
label = "Box 28";
subgraph cluster {
label = "Box 29";
l1 [label = "{ Label : F \l| \
Label : N \l |\
Label : H \l |\
Label : N \l} \
subgraph cluster {
label = "Box 30";
subgraph cluster {
label = "Box 31";
l2 [label = "{ C \l| \
I\l} \
l3 [label = "{ label : F \l| \
label : F \l| \
label : A \l| \
label : F \l} \
The problem I am facing is about the layout of the subgraphs. I am interested in arranging the Boxes "Box 13
", "Box 11
and "Box 6
" in vertical mannner. I was interested in putting the "Box 6
" and "Box 11
" in first row and "Box 13
" in the second row.
This arrangement will be inside the "Box 5". I am aware of the layout options available here . And I can put the three Boxes (6,11,13) into individual files and combine. But I am not clear about how to layout the three boxes inside the "Box 5".
might help in combining the smaller graphs into a master. But I am yet to understand its inner working. – Jijibrowspan
, see Table and Cell Gradients | Graphviz for more. – Polymerize