Here is an excise for graph.
Given an undirected graph G with n vertices and m edges, and an integer k, give an O(m + n) algorithm that finds the maximum induced subgraph H of G such that each vertex in H has degree ≥ k, or prove that no such graph exists. An induced subgraph F = (U, R) of a graph G = (V, E) is a subset of U of the vertices V of G, and all edges R of G such that both vertices of each edge are in U.
My initial idea is like this:
First, this excise actually asks that we have all vertices S whose degrees are bigger than or equal to k, then we remove vertices in S who don't have any edge connected to others. Then the refined S is H, in which all vertices have degree >= k and the edges between them is R.
In addition, it asks O(m+n), so I think I need to a BFS or DFS. Then I get stuck.
In BFS, I can know the degree of a vertex. But once I get the degree of v (a vertex), I don't know other connected vertices except for its parent. But if the parent doesn't have degree >= k, I can't eliminate v as it may still be connected with others.
Any hints?
According to the answer of @Michael J. Barber, I implemented it and update the code here:
Can anyone have a look at the key method of the codes public Graph kCore(Graph g, int k)
? Do I do it right? Is it O(m+n)?
class EdgeNode {
EdgeNode next;
int y;
public class Graph {
public EdgeNode[] edges;
public int numVertices;
public boolean directed;
public Graph(int _numVertices, boolean _directed) {
numVertices = _numVertices;
directed = _directed;
edges = new EdgeNode[numVertices];
public void insertEdge(int x, int y) {
insertEdge(x, y, directed);
public void insertEdge(int x, int y, boolean _directed) {
EdgeNode edge = new EdgeNode();
edge.y = y; = edges[x];
edges[x] = edge;
if (!_directed)
insertEdge(y, x, true);
public Graph kCore(Graph g, int k) {
int[] degree = new int[g.numVertices];
boolean[] deleted = new boolean[g.numVertices];
int numDeleted = 0;
updateAllDegree(g, degree);// get all degree info for every vertex
for (int i = 0;i < g.numVertices;i++) {
**if (!deleted[i] && degree[i] < k) {
deleteVertex(p.y, deleted, g);
//Construct the kCore subgraph
Graph h = new Graph(g.numVertices - numDeleted, false);
for (int i = 0;i < g.numVertices;i++) {
if (!deleted[i]) {
EdgeNode p = g[i];
while(p!=null) {
if (!deleted[p.y])
h.insertEdge(i, p.y, true); // I just insert the good edge as directed, because i->p.y is inserted and later p.y->i will be inserted too in this loop.
p =;
return h;
**private void deleteVertex(int i, boolean[] deleted, Graph g) {
deleted[i] = true;
EdgeNode p = g[i];
while(p!=null) {
if (!deleted[p.y] && degree[p.y] < k)
deleteVertex(p.y, deleted, g);
p =;
private void updateAllDegree(Graph g, int[] degree) {
for(int i = 0;i < g.numVertices;i++) {
EdgeNode p = g[i];
while(p!=null) {
degree[i] += 1;
p =;