I have an existing project which is written in Objective-C. I want to use the iOS Charts library by Daniel Gindi, which is in Swift, in that project. How can I achieve this?
importing swift framework into a objective-c project is related, but in my case I am using the library by installing it through Cocoapods as instructed here.
In that question, he is at least able to import the header, but in my case I am not able to.
step 1: Create Objective-C single view project.
step 2: Create a Podfile and add following lines -
pod 'Charts'
step 3: Install the pod
step 4: Try to import Charts in ViewController.h by @import Charts
but it gives an error at this point. The error is - Module Charts not found
@import Charts
– Krakowuse_frameworks! pod 'Charts'
step 3: Install the pod step 4: Try to import Charts in ViewController.h by@impot Charts
but it gives error at this point. – Krakow