PubChemPy has some great features that can be used for this purpose. It supports IUPAC systematic names, trade names and all known synonyms for a given Compound as documented in PubChem database:
>>> import pubchempy as pcp
>>> results = pcp.get_compounds('Glucose', 'name')
>>> print results
[Compound(79025), Compound(5793), Compound(64689), Compound(206)]
The first argument is the identifier, and the second argument is the identifier type, which must be one of name, smiles, sdf, inchi, inchikey or formula. It looks like there are 4 compounds in the PubChem Database that have the name Glucose associated with them. Let’s take a look at them in more detail:
>>> for compound in results:
>>> print compound.isomeric_smiles
It looks like they all have different stereochemistry information !