- To have select dropdown in DT datatables not at the building of the datatable but built on cell click, with
and with the datas on RDBMS (SQL Server). - When I click on the selected option of the , for example
I want to set my data (and the RDBMS) with the id2
The issue
- the events of select are unbinded. It strange because only the cells where I've clicked are unbinded.
- the selected page is lost
- Update of StateId works (but I cannot click again on if I select an another raw and come back)
- and, it's a positive thing I think, the select are drawn at row select
- all the events are binded but I cannot update StateId in DT datatable
- neither in datas (and consequently not in RDMBS SQL update)
Used yet
I used this trick below to add checkbox in DT Table. It works very well but it's very slow at the building when there is lot of datas because the amount of html for each checkbox is very important.
Read yet, and inspired by
I used this trick below, similar to previous part, to write my code. But I try to build only on cell click because I know by the previous part that is slow
- render dropdown for single column in DT shiny by GyD (and Yihu).
Here is my reprex
Thank you in advance for your help :)
# inspired by https://mcmap.net/q/912672/-render-dropdown-for-single-column-in-dt-shiny/57218361#57218361
ui <- fluidPage(
Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('unbindDT', function(id) {
var $table = $('#'+id).find('table');
if($table.length > 0){
title = 'Selectinput column in a table',
textInput("mypage",label = NULL,value ="" )
# in real case : Query on RDBMS SQL Server
df_product <- data.frame( Product = c(rep("Toaster", 3), rep("Radio", 3)),StateId = c(3,2,2,1,1,2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df_state <- data.frame(StateId = c(1,2,3), State = c("Alabama","Ohio","WDC"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df_datatable <- df_product %>% left_join(.,df_state, by = c("StateId"="StateId")) %>% select (Product,State,StateId)
myselected_vector <- (which(colnames(df_datatable) %in% c("StateId")) )
target_vector <- (which(colnames(df_datatable) %in% c("State")) )
df_state_select <-df_state %>% transmute (value=StateId,label=State) %>% unique()
selectInputModel <-gsub("[\r\n]", "", as.character(
selectInput("selectionXX", "", choices = list_label_value, width = "100px")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
react <- reactiveValues(
# in real case : Query on RDBMS SQL Server
datas = df_datatable,
foo_dt_refresh= FALSE
datas_react <-reactive({
output$foo_dt = DT::renderDataTable(
datas_react(), escape = FALSE, selection='single',
server = TRUE,
editable = list(target = "cell"),
options = list(
ordering = FALSE,
columnDefs = list(
list(orderable = FALSE, className = 'details-control', targets = target_vector),
list(width = '10px', targets = myselected_vector)
stateSave = TRUE,
pageLength = 2,
lengthMenu = c(2,5,6),
preDrawCallback = JS('function() {
Shiny.unbindAll(this.api().table().node()); }'),
drawCallback = JS("function() {
mypage = $('#mypage').val();
if (typeof mypage !== 'undefined' && mypage.trim().length!=0) {
if ( $('#foo_dt').find('.dataTable').DataTable().page()!=parseInt(mypage) ) {
} ")
callback = JS(paste0("
table.on('click', 'td.details-control', function() {
console.log('phil test')
var td = $(this),
row = table.row(td.closest('tr'));
myrow = row.data()[0];
myselected = row.data()[",myselected_vector[1],"];
if ($('#selection' + myrow).length == 0) {
selectInputModel = '",selectInputModel[1],"';
selectInputModel = selectInputModel.replace('<select id=\\\"selectionXX\\\">','<select id=\\\"selectionXX\\\" class=\\\"shiny-bound-input\\\">');
selectInputModel = selectInputModel.replace(/XX/g, myrow);
// selectInputModel = selectInputModel.replace('selected', '');
selectInputModel = selectInputModel.replace('value=\\\"' + myselected + '\\\"', 'value=\\\"' + myselected + '\\\" selected');
output$selection = renderPrint({
str(sapply(1:nrow(datas_react()), function(i) input[[paste0("selection", i)]]))
ReplaceData_foo_dtRefresh <- function (react) {
react$foo_dt_refresh <- TRUE
session$sendCustomMessage("unbindDT", "foo_dt")
replaceData(proxy_foo_dt,(datas_react()) , resetPaging = TRUE)
react$foo_dt_refresh <- FALSE
observeEvent(lapply(1:nrow(isolate(datas_react())), function(i) input[[paste0("selection", i)]]), {
need(!is.null(input$foo_dt_cell_clicked) , message = FALSE)
paste0(Sys.time() ," : ",
as.character( input$foo_dt_cell_clicked$row)," =" ,
input[[paste0("selection", input$foo_dt_cell_clicked$row )]]
if ( react$datas[input$foo_dt_cell_clicked$row,myselected_vector]!= input[[paste0("selection", input$foo_dt_cell_clicked$row )]] ) {
isolate(react$datas[input$foo_dt_cell_clicked$row,myselected_vector]<- input[[paste0("selection", input$foo_dt_cell_clicked$row )]] )
isolate(react$datas[input$foo_dt_cell_clicked$row,target_vector]<-(df_state %>% filter(StateId==input[[paste0("selection", input$foo_dt_cell_clicked$row )]]))$State)
ReplaceData_foo_dtRefresh (react)
updateTextInput(session,"mypage",label = NULL,ceiling(input$foo_dt_cell_clicked$row / input$foo_dt_state$length)-1)
},ignoreNULL = TRUE)
shinyApp(ui, server)
Package version:
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<select id="selection1"><option value="1" selected>Alabama</option><option value="2">Ohio</option><option value="3">WDC</option></select>
. There is perhaps "messy" code for line >100: normal it's the core of my question. But the code between between 10 and 26 is not messy : it's a simulation of RDBMS SQL Code: Master Table 1,n-> Child Table with Foreign Key. For RDBMS I need the Id updated in data. Therefore your solution linked doesn't answer to my question. :) – Ph_cell_edit
with my solution. And it is not true that the select is unstable: it automatically closes when it loses the focus, that's all. And this has nothing to do with factors. – TrixautoHide = false
if you don't want the dropdown to be hidden on lost of focus. What do you mean by "more clicks"? This is the normal behavior of an editable datatable. Yihui's code is an horrible hack, I don't have the envy to put my hands into it, especially if there is a nicer solution. – TrixOhio
I want to set my data (and the RDBMS) with the id2
. I don't want your <select> where we have to click and click again : forget it please :) – Ph