I just started learning architecture and I have some confusions between MIPS and ARM architectures.
I came to know that the MIPS predominantly has two instruction formats: I and R (J as well). I read about these representation formats, rs, rt, opcode and related stuff. I also had a look at COA book of Patterson (Edition-IV) which focuses on ARM ISA. The instruction representation is different in that edition. Are these differences due to the varying architectures? And the ARM assembly code is slightly varying with the book I used with MIPS ISA.
eg. Patterson' edition IV says
LDR r5,[r3,#32]
STR r1,[r4,#48]
while the other MIPS one I read says
lw r5,[r3,#32]
sw r1,[r4,#48]
Is the difference due to the ISA they follow or they are two different versions of the same ISA? Could you also explain the key differences between MIPS and ARM?
lw $5, 32($t3)
orsw $a0, 48($t4)
– Deb