I have a sphere represented in object space by a center point and a radius. The sphere is transformed into world space with a transformation matrix that may include scales, rotations, and translations. I need to build a axis aligned bounding box for the sphere in world space, but I'm not sure how to do it.
Here is my current approach, that works for some cases:
public void computeBoundingBox() {
// center is the middle of the sphere
// averagePosition is the middle of the AABB
// getObjToWorldTransform() is a matrix from obj to world space
getObjToWorldTransform().rightMultiply(center, averagePosition);
Point3 onSphere = new Point3(center);
onSphere.scaleAdd(radius, new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
// but how do you know that the transformed radius is uniform?
double transformedRadius = onSphere.distance(averagePosition);
// maxBound is the upper limit of the AABB
maxBound.scaleAdd(transformedRadius, new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
// minBound is the lower limit of the AABB
minBound.scaleAdd(transformedRadius, new Vector3(-1,-1,-1));
However, I am skeptical that this would always work. Shouldn't it fail for non-uniform scaling?