I'm not so sure a DCG would be helpful here. Although we're processing a sequence, there's a lot of examination of the entire list at each point when looking at each element.
Here's a CLPFD approach which implements the "naive" algorithm for inversions, so it's transparent and simple, but not as efficient as it could be (it's O(n^2)). There's a more efficient algorithm (O(n log n)) involving a divide and conquer approach, which I show further below.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
inversions(L, C) :-
L ins 0..9,
count_inv(L, C).
% Count inversions
count_inv([], 0).
count_inv([X|T], C) :-
count_inv(X, T, C1), % Count inversions for current element
C #= C1 + C2, % Add inversion count for the rest of the list
count_inv(T, C2). % Count inversions for the rest of the list
count_inv(_, [], 0).
count_inv(X, [Y|T], C) :-
( X #> Y, X #> 0, Y #> 0
-> C #= C1 + 1, % Valid inversion, count it
count_inv(X, T, C1)
; count_inv(X, T, C)
?- inversions([1,2,3,4,0,5,6,7,8],N).
N = 0 ;
?- inversions([1,2,3,0,4,6,8,5,7],N).
N = 3 ;
?- inversions([0,2,X],1).
X = 1 ;
It does leave a choice point, as you can see, which I haven't sorted out yet.
Here's the
O(n log n) solution, which is using the sort/merge algorithm.
inversion([], [], 0).
inversion([X], [X], 0).
inversion([HU1, HU2|U], [HS1, HS2|S], C) :- % Ensure list args have at least 2 elements
split([HU1, HU2|U], L, R),
inversion(L, SL, C1),
inversion(R, SR, C2),
merge(SL, SR, [HS1, HS2|S], C3),
C #= C1 + C2 + C3.
% Split list into left and right halves
split(List, Left, Right) :-
split(List, List, Left, Right).
split(Es, [], [], Es).
split(Es, [_], [], Es).
split([E|Es], [_,_|T], [E|Ls], Right) :-
split(Es, T, Ls, Right).
% merge( LS, RS, M )
merge([], RS, RS, 0).
merge(LS, [], LS, 0).
merge([L|LS], [R|RS], [L|T], C) :-
L #=< R,
merge(LS, [R|RS], T, C).
merge([L|LS], [R|RS], [R|T], C) :-
L #> R, R #> 0 #<==> D, C #= C1+D,
merge([L|LS], RS, T, C1).
You can ignore the second argument, which is the sorted list (just a side effect if all you want is the count of inversions).
appears beforeY
in the list... Is that immediately after, or at any point after? – Frug