I'm trying to define a predicate adjacent(X, Y, Zs)
that is true if X and Y are adjacent in a list. My code is currently this:
adjacent(_, _, []).
adjacent(X, Y, [X, Y|Tail]) :-
adjacent(X,Y, Tail).
It works for the basic case of adjacent(c, d, [a, b, c, d, e])
, but due to the base case, every other case returns true as well, and I'm stuck on that.
The other problem is that if X is not equal to the first part of the list's head, then it skips past both X and Y and goes to the next 'X'; e.g., if c isn't equal to a, then it skips past both a and b and checks if c is equal to c. This is problematic when, for example, the list is
[a, c, d, e]
because it ends up never checking c (I believe).
I'm pretty lost on how to reconcile the two issues and turn my logical understanding of what needs to occur into code.
EDIT: Thanks to Christian Hujer's answer, my base case mistake has been corrected, so now I'm just stuck on the second issue.