I would post my solution here and what I had tried for Libgdx about this problem.
T1. Make original spritesheet (no atlas file) that downloaded from somewhere to padding 2.
A1. This would be impossible for repacking the spritesheet that have no atlas, even if you find a slice/splitter tool, it should be a bunch of images that need to be repack properly for TiledMap(.tmx)
A1(Updated). Script that provided by @Nine Magics would be the best way to do this! (I use this as my final solution)
T2. Use TiledMapPacker
that provided by libgdx-nighty or gdx-toolg, The batch code should be:
java -classpath "gdx.jar";"gdx-natives.jar";"gdx-backend-lwjgl.jar";"gdx-backend-lwjgl-natives.jar";"gdx-tiled-preprocessor.jar";"extensions/gdx-tools/gdx-tools.jar" com.badlogic.gdx.tiledmappacker.TiledMapPacker "PathToYourProject\android\assets\RawMap" "PathToYourProject\android\assets\Map" --strip-unused
A2. The output .tmx that could not be readable by Tiled If you are using complex folder path to category your .png
files. And the output file could be possibly failed to load by AtlasTmxMapLoader
T3. Camera position correction, make camera position to integer. The code liked @Julian or @strangecat from libgdx tiledmap flicker with Nearest filtering
A3. I use this solution for no problem, and also post my code that different from them.
float cameraX = (int)(mainCamera.position.x * Game.PPM_X) / Game.PPM_X;
float cameraY = (int)(mainCamera.position.y * Game.PPM_X) / Game.PPM_X;
float cameraZ = mainCamera.position.z;
mainCamera.position.set(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ);
And also load it with TmxMapLoader.Parameters
TmxMapLoader.Parameters params = new TmxMapLoader.Parameters();
params.textureMinFilter = Texture.TextureFilter.Linear;
params.textureMagFilter = Texture.TextureFilter.Nearest;
params.generateMipMaps = true;
assetManager.load(TILED_MAP_SETS.FIRST_MAP, TiledMap.class, params);
If you used PPM and want to move pixel by pixel, you could use this integer correction for your game, If not you could just convert the position to integer.
I almost wasted whole day to slove this, hope these investigation could help every game developers :)
I found out that Unity is also having the same problem, but I haven't tested If Libgdx have 2x Anti-Alias setting by default. Libgdx might fix the issue as Unity by turning off the Anti-Alias.