I have stuggled over the years to get AWK running under windows. There are problems with quoting and path delimiters. My final solution is to "let AWK fly free", that is free from the command line. I understand that it was developed as a glue for unix style command line juju, but I just wanted to use it as a scripting language.
All my AWK scripts contain a list of targets and a defined output file. They can be run by double clicking through an associated DOS batch file:
: AWK.BAT - place in the same directory as GAWK
@echo off
:Check %1 in not null
If [%1]==[] (
Echo No parameters passed
goto End
: Change to the parameter file location
cd /D "%~dp1"
: Set PrintFile - this will be the name of the script (not the target file) with ".out"
Set PrintFile=%~nx1.out
:Run AWK
: -v PrintFile to allow renaming of output file
: -f ScriptFile.awk the program
: > Redirects output to a known destination
P:\MyPrograms\EDITORS\Addins\gawk\gawk.exe -v PrintFile=%PrintFile% -f %* >%PrintFile%
An example of my AWK scripts is presented below (extract all lines with ::tab and print them):
# AWK Template
## Hard Code Target Files - Unix paths with / separators ##
# Realtive paths from the location of ScriptFileName.awk
# These will be added to the end of the ARG array - after any command line target files
## Hard Code Output Files - WinDos paths with \\ separators ##
# Realtive paths from the location of ScriptFileName.awk
# Default is ScriptFileName.awk.out passed in as a variable called PrintFile
# PrintFile will be copied to OutputFile after processing using the END section
OutputFile = "Keys.txt"
# Set input record sep and field sep
FS=" "
# Set output RS and FS
OFS=" "
# Write a header
print "Key assignments from the source code"
print " "
## MIDDLE - Once per matching record! ##
# Find autohotkey key definitions
/::\t/ {
print $0
## Rename output files
if (OutputFile) {
system("Copy /Y " PrintFile " " OutputFile)
## Functions ##
function AddTarget(FN){
# Need to check file exists
if (FileExists(FN)){
function FileExists(FN) {
if ((getline < FN) > 0) {
return 1
} else {
print "Target file not found " FN > "error.awk.txt"
return ""
You can see this defines the input target within the script and defines the final output target within the script. It uses a temp ".out" file to avoid lots of print redirection, copying the file to the desired output in the END section of the script.
I have associated AWK files with this batch file and added an option in my editor to send AWK files to the batch file.
Kind Regards
awk "{print $2 "","" $1}"
if you are on the cmd command line – Suprematismawk "{print $2 ',' $1}"
. – Tien'
for strings :-( – Suprematism