I'm new to databases and have been reading that adding an index to a field you need to search over can dramatically speed up search times. I understand this reality, but am curious as to how it actually works. I've searched a bit on the subject, but haven't found any good, concise, and not over technical answer to how it works.
I've read the analogy of it being like an index at the back of a book, but in the case of a data field of unique elements (such as e-mail addresses in a user database), using the back of the book analogy would provide the same linear look up time as a non-indexed seach.
What is going on here to speed up search times so much? I've read a little bit about searching using B+-Trees, but the descriptions were a bit too indepth. What I'm looking for is a high level overview of what is going on, something to help my conceptual understanding of it, not technical details.