As said in the title, I've been trying to figure out how the UI system works, and I think I understand the basic ins and outs of it, but have been struggling to figure out the which project settings and UI setup to use to achieve my desired result.
My game's layout is practically identical to Jardinains (a breakout clone) with a camera that can shake, and a 1:1 aspect ratio for my game view. (I understand that I can utilise a canvaslayer to keep the UI still).
Ideally, this is what I am aiming for:
at its default resolution
reduced width, increased height
increased width
my current game scene setup
As demonstrated, the camera should always keep height, centering on the game world, and on either side UI elements should maintain aspect ratio, expanding to fill space between the game borders and the edge of the screen.
Is there a way to pin UI to points in the game world? Am I looking in the wrong place? Please let me know if there is an easier way to achieve this, or if you need clarification on something. Thanks for your help!