This is a follow-up to this question. I'm currently writing a simple game and am looking for the fastest way to (repeatedly) display an array of RGB data in a Win32 window, without flickering or other artifacts.
Several different approaches were recommended in the answers to the previous question, but there was no consensus on which would be the fastest. So, I threw together a test program. The code simply displays a framebuffer on the screen repeatedly, as fast as possible.
These are the results I obtained, for 32-bit data running in a 32-bit video mode - they may surprise some people:
- Direct3D (1): 500 fps
- Direct3D (2): 650 fps
- DirectDraw (3): 1100 fps
- DirectDraw (4): 800 fps
- GDI (SetDIBitsToDevice): 2000 fps
Given these figures:
- Why are many people adamant that GDI is simply too slow for this operation?
- Is there any reason to prefer DirectDraw or Direct3D over SetDIBitsToDevice?
Here is a brief summary of the calls made by each of the Direct* codepaths. If anyone knows a more efficient way to use DirectDraw/Direct3D, please comment.
LockRect(); memcpy(); UnlockRect(); DrawPrimitive()
2. CreateTexture(0, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM); CreateTexture(0, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT);
LockRect(); memcpy(); UnlockRect(); UpdateTexture(); DrawPrimitive()
3. CreateSurface(); SetSurfaceDesc(lpSurface = &frameBuffer[0]);
memcpy(); primarySurface->Blt();
4. CreateSurface();
Lock(); memcpy(); Unlock(); primarySurface->Blt();