Warning: this answer is somewhat out-of-date as of the latest RISC-V Privileged Spec v1.9, which includes the removal of the tohost
Control/Status Register (CSR), which was a part of the non-standard Host-Target Interface (HTIF) which has since been removed. The current (as of 2016 Sep) riscv-tests
instead perform a memory-mapped store to a tohost
memory location, which in a tethered environment is monitored by the front-end server
If you really and truly need/want to run RISC-V code bare-metal, then here are the instructions to do so. You lose a bunch of useful stuff, like printf or FP-trap software emulation, which the riscv-pk (proxy kernel) provides.
First things first - Spike boots up at 0x200. As Spike is the golden ISA simulator model, your core should also boot up at 0x200.
(cough, as of 2015 Jul 13, the "master" branch of riscv-tools (https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tools) is using an older pre-v1.7 Privileged ISA, and thus starts at 0x2000. This post will assume you are using v1.7+, which may require using the "new_privileged_isa" branch of riscv-tools).
So when you disassemble your bare-metal program, it better
start at 0x200!!! If you want to run it on top of the proxy-kernel, it
better start at 0x10000 (and if Linux, it’s something even larger…).
Now, if you want to run bare metal, you’re forcing yourself to write up the
processor boot code. Yuck. But let’s punt on that and pretend that’s not
(You can also look into riscv-tests/env/p, for the “virtual machine”
description for a physically addressed machine. You’ll find the linker script
you need and some macros.h to describe some initial setup code. Or better
yet, in riscv-tests/benchmarks/common.crt.S).
Anyways, armed with the above (confusing) knowledge, let’s throw that all
away and start from scratch ourselves...
.align 6
.globl _start
# screw boot code, we're going minimalist
# mtohost is the CSR in machine mode
csrw mtohost, 1;
j 1b
and link.ld:
OUTPUT_ARCH( "riscv" )
ENTRY( _start )
/* text: test code section */
. = 0x200;
.text :
/* data: Initialized data segment */
.data :
/* End of uninitalized data segement */
_end = .;
Now to compile this…
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -nostdlib -nostartfiles -Tlink.ld -o hello hello.s
This compiles to (riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d hello):
hello: file format elf64-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000200 <_start>:
200: 7810d073 csrwi tohost,1
204: 0000006f j 204 <_start+0x4>
And to run it:
spike hello
It’s a thing of beauty.
The link script places our code at 0x200. Spike will start at
0x200, and then write a #1 to the control/status register
“tohost”, which tells Spike “stop running”. And then we spin on an address
(1: j 1b) until the front-end server has gotten the message and kills us.
It may be possible to ditch the linker script if you can figure out how to
tell the compiler to move <_start> to 0x200 on its own.
For other examples, you can peruse the following repositories:
The riscv-tests repository holds the RISC-V ISA tests that are very minimal
This Makefile has the compiler options:
And many of the “virtual machine” description macros and linker scripts can
be found in riscv-tests/env (https://github.com/riscv/riscv-test-env).
You can take a look at the “simplest” test at (riscv-tests/isa/rv64ui-p-simple.dump
And you can check out riscv-tests/benchmarks/common
for start-up and support code for running bare-metal.