I can successfully debug the front end of a web application running on a mobile device using Google's Chrome DevTools (chrome://inspect) when my mobile device is using the Chrome's browser (using port forwarding). I was wondering whether it is possible to do the same using the Android's native browser, I mean the one browser pre-installed in Android which application launcher looks like this, just to be more clear, :-) :
Is there a way to do that? Cause when I open a tab with this browser inside chrome://inspect of course I don't get the opened tab and I can't inspect the content my device is viewing from the native browser.
I need in a way to do that because I have found some UI related problems (CSS, JS) specifically bound to the native browser, actually in chrome all works beautifully, but on the native browser no.
I have also tried to use weinre and found it very useful, but I can use it only in the context of a LAN, meaning that I have to bind the device with a LAN IP address and actually I need to access to the web application from http://localhost
(like it is done in Chrome DevTools with port forwarding) because I use server-side software which strictly relies only on localhost (it is not mine, I wouldn't do that if I could).
So, is there a way to accomplish this on the Android default native browser? Using weinre and/or Chrome DevTools?
Thanks for the attention!
P.S.: I know Android browser is not native anymore from Android 4.4, anyway, I would need that for compatibility, if of course, it is possible (it should be, I guess).