Hello everyone! In my game, when I try to create an ENet server, I get this error:
E 0:00:24:0728 world.gd:45 @ _on_host_button_pressed(): Couldn't create an ENet host.
<C++ Error> Condition "!host" is true. Returning: ERR_CANT_CREATE
<C++ Source> modules/enet/enet_connection.cpp:318 @ _create()
<Stack Trace> world.gd:45 @ _on_host_button_pressed()
holepunch_node.gd:132 @ _handle_go_message()
holepunch_node.gd:80 @ _process()
I'm using Godot 4.0-stable on Arch Linux and this is the relevant function:
func _on_host_button_pressed():
hole_puncher.rendevouz_address = RV_ADDRESS
hole_puncher.rendevouz_port = RV_PORT
hole_puncher.start_traversal(address_entry.text, true, OS.get_unique_id())
var result = await hole_puncher.hole_punched
var port = result[0]
multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = null
print(enet_peer.create_server(port, 1))
multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = enet_peer
In addition to this, the entirety of the code can be found on GitHub here
I don't believe it's an issue with what IPs and ports I am using, as the ports are randomly generated by my hole-punching server I believe and I have tried different ports for that server. Also, the IPs I am using currently are local, and I have tried running the two instances of the game on not only the same machine, but also on different machines so they have different IPs.
The game is a little FPS game using hole-punching and my Raspberry Pi as the server. When the error refers to "host", I believe it is referring to the player who created the game room, rather than the Raspberry Pi hole-punching server. I apologise for the lack of detail in my question, there is simply not much I can find about this issue. It is likely one of those strange issues with a simple fix I believe.