Is there a way to change a shader paramenter in GDscript ?
The old code is not working anymore
var shdBlur = $CanvasLayer/ColorRect.get("shader_param/amount");
if ( shdBlur == null ):
if ( shdBlur != null ):
if ( Input.is_action_just_pressed('key_w') && shdBlur < 4 ):
$CanvasLayer/ColorRect.material.set("shader_param/amount", shdBlur + 0.0001);
elif ( Input.is_action_just_pressed('key_s') && shdBlur > 0 ):
$CanvasLayer/ColorRect.material.set("shader_param/amount", shdBlur - 0.0001);
I am dragging the parameters on to the script editor.
"shader_param" seems to be "shader_parameter" now. However it still doesnt work,
it seems to work with all other options ex: "visible", "modulate", "show_behind_parent", etc...
"shader_parameter" always returns <NULL>