I am trying to understand this shader:
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode unshaded;
uniform float circle_size : hint_range(0.0, 1.05);
uniform float screen_width;
uniform float screen_height;
void fragment() {
float ratio = screen_width / screen_height;
float dist = distance(vec2(0.5, 0.5), vec2(mix(0.5, UV.x, ratio), UV.y));
COLOR.a = step(circle_size, dist);
(from here: https://godotshaders.com/shader/simple-circle-transition-2/)
I am confused at the float dist line where mix is used. Now, I do understand that the line is used to create a circle instead of an oval by accounting for the window not being a perfect square. However, I don't get how mix is getting to these values:
I get that the first value (0.5) is the center, with the second value being the current UV.x value; and we get the linear interpolation between the two. However then, ratio is always a fixed value that is greater than 1, with 1280x720 the ratio would be 1.77. At that point I have no idea what value we are getting out of the mix function. If the value is 1 we'd be getting UV.x but what if the value exceeds 1?