Suppose i have a sub-scene that contains a sprite, and i have 10 instances of that scene that i want to load at start-up, but i want the size of the sprite within each one to be a different size at start-up. If i attach a script to the parent node of that scene then i can write a function within that script that directly tells the sprite node what size to be based on its name in the tree of nodes and call that function in the _ready() function of that attached script. Something like:
func _ready():
func resize():
var mysprite = $Sprite2D #you can have a pepsi though
var myspritename =
if myspritename == "mysprite1"
mysprite.scale = 1
if myspritename == "mysprite2"
mysprite.scale = 0.9
if myspritename == "mysprite3"
mysprite.scale = 0.8
This works, but it gives me red errors. It says "Node not found: "sceneparentnode/mysprite" (relative to "/root/mysubscenescript")" even though it does what i want.
If i write a function in my main scene's script that iterates through all the parent nodes of every instanced scene and calls the resize() function on each of those nodes it also works, but it is a lot more work and this is an extremely simplified illustration. What works without errors is something like this in my main scene script:
func _ready:
func callresizer():
var scenenode
var x = how ever many + 1
for i in range(1, x)
scenenode = get_node(”topnode/nextnodes/mysceneparent" + str(i))
scenenode.resize()#calls the function from the attached script.
Assuming i have named all the instanced scenes the same with different numbers. If i do this instead of putting the resize() in the _ready() of the sub-scene's attached script it does the same thing but no errors, but this gets much more complicated quickly. Do you know if the first way's errors are something i can just ignore, or if I'm doing this whole thing in a silly way?