I'm using Youtube API, I'd like to have a search auto-complete feature, just like on YouTube, when you type into the search input box, it gives you search suggestions. I've read the docs, but still missing, Is this possible using the API?
Ok I found this URL:
It isn't part of Youtube API, but still works, returns a JSON response.
For json just add "client" parameter:
Above all apis are old and give google search suggestion not youtube search suggestion
Use this:
Extract suggestions using following JS code:
// data is response of above api
const data = 'window.google.ac.h(["faded",[["faded",0,[433]],["faded alan walker lyrics",0,[433]],["faded remix",0,[433]],["faded 8d",0,[433]],["faded piano",0,[433]],["faded wheel free fire",0],["faded karaoke",0,[433]],["faded ringtone",0,[433]],["faded instrumental",0,[433]],["faded live",0,[433]],["faded piano tutorial",0,[433]],["faded whatsapp status",0,[433]],["faded dhol cover",0,[433]],["faded dance",0,[433]]],{"k":1,"q":"_sPyvXmmbfcsVtfP4sgjOdKQAvg"}])';
const searchSuggestions = [];
data.split('[').forEach((ele, index) => {
if (!ele.split('"')[1] || index === 1) return;
return searchSuggestions.push(ele.split('"')[1]);
uses this api? I'm having the Origin https://localhost:8080 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
error. –
Venditti Check Out YouTube AutoComplete Keyword Scraper . Not really sure of the context the person asking the question wants YouTube auto complete solution for but I thought I would throw this out there.
Also you can use JSON:
url: "https://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?client=youtube&ds=yt&q=" + i,
dataType: "jsonp",
The official one:
You can choose country too.
P.S. I searched for Nectar in country US
After making the fetch request
const res = await fetch(
const str = await res.text();
// const str = window.google.ac.h(["faded",[["faded",0,[433]],["faded alan walker lyrics",0,[433]],["faded remix",0,[433]],["faded 8d",0,[433]],["faded piano",0,[433]],["faded wheel free fire",0],["faded karaoke",0,[433]],["faded ringtone",0,[433]],["faded instrumental",0,[433]],["faded live",0,[433]],["faded piano tutorial",0,[433]],["faded whatsapp status",0,[433]],["faded dhol cover",0,[433]],["faded dance",0,[433]]],{"k":1,"q":"_sPyvXmmbfcsVtfP4sgjOdKQAvg"}])'
You can parse the response directly by first cutting the unnecessary pieces
const arr = JSON.parse(str.substring(str.indexOf("["), str.indexOf("])") + 1));
Here is the shape of the result
let suggestionsTuple: [string, number, number[]][] = [];
All we need is to filter out the string
if (Array.isArray(arr) && Array.isArray(arr.at(1))) {
suggestionsTuple = arr.at(1);
const suggestions = suggestionsTuple.flatMap((suggestion) => suggestion).filter((suggestion) => typeof suggestion === "string"); // ["faded" ,"faded alan walker lyrics", ...]
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